Level solutions, maps, videos and .LMPs/demos for classic Doom/Doom II games

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PC: Doom / Doom II / Master Levels / NRFTL / Final Doom: TNT/Plutonia / SIGIL
PS3: Doom / Doom II / Master Levels / NRFTL / Final Doom: TNT/Plutonia
Xbox 360/XBLA: Doom / Doom II / NRFTL
Original-Xbox: Ultimate Doom / Doom II / Master Levels
PS1/PSX: Doom (Ultimate Doom and Doom II) / Final Doom (with Master Levels)
Sega Saturn: Doom (Ultimate Doom and Doom II)
Nintendo 64: Doom 64 (Also covers retail ports for PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
Apple iPhone/iOS: Doom (Ultimate Doom)
Super Nintendo: Doom
Sega Genesis 32X: Doom
Atari Jaguar: Doom
3DO: Doom
Game Boy Advance: Doom / Doom II
Tapwave Zodiac: Doom II

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                        PC DOOM 1/ULTIMATE DOOM (v1.9)

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About: Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

E1M1/HANGAR: I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map  Demo
E1M1/HANGAR: Where is the Ultimate-Doom-only secret?  Demo
E1M2/NUCLEAR PLANT: I see an armor vest that I can't pick up!  Demo
E1M2/NUCLEAR PLANT: How do I get the chain saw?  Demo
E1M2/NUCLEAR PLANT: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E1M3/TOXIN REFINERY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E1M4/COMMAND CONTROL: How do I get to the the exit?  Map  Demo
E1M4/COMMAND CONTROL: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E1M4/COMMAND CONTROL: Is there a faster way to exit?  Demo
E1M5/PHOBOS LAB: I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map  Demo
E1M6/CENTRAL PROCESSING: How do I get the yellow key?  Map  Demo
E1M7/COMPUTER STATION: How do I get that Soul Sphere?  Demo
E1M7/COMPUTER STATION: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
E1M7/COMPUTER STATION: Isn't there another hidden weapon?  Demo
E1M8/PHOBOS ANOMALY: How can I beat this level?  Demo
E1M8/PHOBOS ANOMALY: Can I return to the start area?  Demo
E1M8/PHOBOS ANOMALY: I get killed as I try to exit!
E1M9/THE MILITARY BASE: How do I get to this level?  Demo
E1M9/THE MILITARY BASE: I'm missing some Items/Secrets!  Demo
E1M9/THE MILITARY BASE: How do I get the pedestal objects?  Demo
E2M1/DEIMOS ANOMALY: I'm missing Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
E2M2/CONTAINMENT AREA: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E2M2/CONTAINMENT AREA: Are there faster ways to exit?  Demo
E2M3/REFINERY: I get badly burned in the northeast rooms!  Map  Demo
E2M3/REFINERY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E2M4/DEIMOS LAB: How do I get to the exit door?  Map  Demo
E2M4/DEIMOS LAB: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
E2M4/DEIMOS LAB: I still can't get the Secret by the exit!  Map  Demo
E2M4/DEIMOS LAB: Why can't I unlock the yellow door?  Demo
E2M5/COMMAND CENTER: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E2M6/HALLS OF THE DAMNED: Where is the red key?  Map  Demo
E2M6/HALLS OF THE DAMNED: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E2M7/SPAWNING VATS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E2M8/TOWER OF BABEL: How can I beat this level?  Demo
E2M8/TOWER OF BABEL: What's the rocket/pillar trick?  Demo
E2M9/FORTRESS OF MYSTERY: How do I get to this level?  Demo
E2M9/FORTRESS OF MYSTERY: How can I beat this level?  Demo
E3M1/HELL KEEP: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M2/SLOUGH OF DESPAIR: I got sealed inside a tunnel!  Demo
E3M2/SLOUGH OF DESPAIR: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M2/SLOUGH OF DESPAIR: How do I get into the Sergeant booths?  Demo
E3M3/PANDEMONIUM: Is there a BFG9000 on this level?  Demo
E3M3/PANDEMONIUM: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M4/HOUSE OF PAIN: What do all those switches do?  Demo
E3M4/HOUSE OF PAIN: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M5/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the yellow key?  Map  Demo
E3M5/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: Where is the yellow key used?  Demo
E3M5/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
E3M5/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I open all 4 chambers?  Demo
E3M5/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M6/MT. EREBUS: Where is the blue key?  Map  Demo
E3M6/MT. EREBUS: How do I get that chain saw?  Demo
E3M6/MT. EREBUS: Where is the exit?  Map  Demo
E3M6/MT. EREBUS: How do I get into that blue box?  Demo
E3M6/MT. EREBUS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M7/GATE TO LIMBO (LIMBO): How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
E3M7/GATE TO LIMBO (LIMBO): Where are the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M8/DIS: How can I beat this level?  Demo
E3M9/WARRENS: How do I get to this level?  Demo
E3M9/WARRENS: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
E3M9/WARRENS: I'm stuck behind a broken door!  Demo
E3M9/WARRENS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
E3M9/WARRENS: Are there any other hidden areas?  Demo
E4M1/HELL BENEATH: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
E4M1/HELL BENEATH: Is it possible to get 100% Kills?  Demo
E4M1/HELL BENEATH: What's the switch by the red door?  Demo
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: How do I jump that first gap?
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: How do I get the keys?  Map  Demo
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: How do I get up into that room?  Demo
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: Is there a faster way to exit?  Demo
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: What is the BFG trick/exploit?  Demo
E4M2/PERFECT HATRED: Can I skip any of lava-room platforming?  Demo
E4M3/SEVER THE WICKED: I keep missing Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
E4M3/SEVER THE WICKED: What's that switch in the southwest room?  Demo
E4M4/UNRULY EVIL: Why can't I get 100% Kills?  Demo
E4M4/UNRULY EVIL: 2 chambers by the exit won't open!  Demo
E4M4/UNRULY EVIL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
E4M4/UNRULY EVIL: Are there other hidden Items/areas?  Demo
E4M5/THEY WILL REPENT: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
E4M5/THEY WILL REPENT: Is there a faster way to exit?  Map  Demo
E4M6/AGAINST THEE WICKEDLY: How can I get all 3 keys?  Map  Demo
E4M6/AGAINST THEE WICKEDLY: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
E4M6/AGAINST THEE WICKEDLY: What's the tiny room by the exit?  Map  Demo
E4M7/AND HELL FOLLOWED: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
E4M7/AND HELL FOLLOWED: Why can't I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
E4M8/UNTO THE CRUEL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
E4M8/UNTO THE CRUEL: Are there other hidden objects/areas?  Demo
E4M9/FEAR: How do I get to this level?  Demo
E4M9/FEAR: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo

Note: In the PC games, Episode 4 maps (E4M# maps) only appear in Ultimate Doom.

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                       PC DOOM II: HELL ON EARTH (v1.9)

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About: Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/ENTRYWAY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
02/UNDERHALLS: How do I get the red key?  Map  Demo
02/UNDERHALLS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
03/THE GANTLET: I can't find (or get) some Items!  Demo
03/THE GANTLET: There's still a chamber/item I can't get to!  Demo
03/THE GANTLET: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
04/THE FOCUS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
05/THE WASTE TUNNELS: How do I get that plasma rifle?  Demo
05/THE WASTE TUNNELS: Can I jump to those twin rooms?  Demo
05/THE WASTE TUNNELS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
06/THE CRUSHER: How do I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
06/THE CRUSHER: How do I get in the box by the steps?  Demo
06/THE CRUSHER: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
07/DEAD SIMPLE: How do I beat (or exit) this level?  Demo
07/DEAD SIMPLE: I beat the monsters but I can't exit!  Demo
07/DEAD SIMPLE: I see a secret room; How do I get in?  Map  Demo
08/TRICKS AND TRAPS: I always die near the exit!  Demo
08/TRICKS AND TRAPS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
09/THE PIT: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
09/THE PIT: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
10/REFUELING BASE: How do I get up to that square hole?  Map  Demo
10/REFUELING BASE: How do I get the Supercharge/plasma gun?  Demo
10/REFUELING BASE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
10/REFUELING BASE: I'm still missing some Kills/Items!  Demo
11/CIRCLE OF DEATH: I can't get the Invulnerability Artifact!  Demo
11/CIRCLE OF DEATH: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
11/CIRCLE OF DEATH: Is there a faster way through this level?  Demo
11/CIRCLE OF DEATH: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
11/CIRCLE OF DEATH: I can only get a 95% Items score!  Demo
12/THE FACTORY: Where is the red key?
12/THE FACTORY: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
12/THE FACTORY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
13/DOWNTOWN: How do I get that blue Soul Sphere?  Demo
13/DOWNTOWN: How do I get all the keys?  Map  Demo
13/DOWNTOWN: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
14/THE INMOST DENS: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
14/THE INMOST DENS: I'm getting 0% Secrets!  Map
14/THE INMOST DENS: Are there any other hidden areas?  Demo
14/THE INMOST DENS: Is there a faster way to the Soul Sphere?  Demo
15/INDUSTRIAL ZONE: How do I get the red key?  Map  Demo
15/INDUSTRIAL ZONE: How do I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
15/INDUSTRIAL ZONE: How do I reach that platform in the lava?  Demo
15/INDUSTRIAL ZONE: Why can't I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
15/INDUSTRIAL ZONE: Can I get 100% Secrets without cheats?  Video
16/SUBURBS: How do I get to those plasma rifles?  Demo
16/SUBURBS: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
16/SUBURBS: I'm missing a Secret; Where is it?  Map  Demo
17/TENEMENTS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
18/THE COURTYARD: How do I get past the entrance?
18/THE COURTYARD: How do I get the Computer Map item?  Demo
18/THE COURTYARD: Where can I find the keys?  Map  Demo
18/THE COURTYARD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: I'm trapped in a D-shaped room!  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: How do I enter that other building?  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: How do I get to the keys?  Map  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: How do I get to the Soul Sphere?  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: What's that switch over the blue key?  Demo
19/THE CITADEL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
20/GOTCHA!: How do I beat those 2 monsters?  Demo
20/GOTCHA!: In the northwest is a box I can't open!  Demo
20/GOTCHA!: How do I exit this level?  Map  Demo
20/GOTCHA!: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
20/GOTCHA!: I got teleported into a box I can't open!  Demo
21/NIRVANA: How do I get past the "4 switch" barrier?  Demo
21/NIRVANA: I'm getting 0% Secrets!
22/THE CATACOMBS: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
23/BARRELS O' FUN: The first barrels always kill me!  Demo
24/THE CHASM: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
24/THE CHASM: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
25/BLOODFALLS: How can I get 100% Items and Secrets?  Map  Demo
25/BLOODFALLS: I'm still getting 0% Secrets!
26/THE ABANDONED MINES: How do I get that plasma rifle?  Demo
26/THE ABANDONED MINES: I keep missing some Secrets!  Map  Demo
27/MONSTER CONDO: I'm stuck in an L-shaped hallway!  Demo
27/MONSTER CONDO: I'm trapped in a long room!  Demo
27/MONSTER CONDO: I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map  Demo
27/MONSTER CONDO: I still can't get 100% Secrets!  Map  Demo
27/MONSTER CONDO: Why can't I get 100% Items?  Demo
28/THE SPIRIT WORLD: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
28/THE SPIRIT WORLD: I got stuck in a tiny pit!  Demo
28/THE SPIRIT WORLD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
29/THE LIVING END: There are places I can't get to!  Demo
29/THE LIVING END: I'm getting 0% Secrets!
30/ICON OF SIN: How do I beat this level?  Demo
30/ICON OF SIN: What killed me!?  (I was invincible!)  Demo
30/ICON OF SIN: I'm getting 0% Secrets!
30/ICON OF SIN: Games saved on this map won't reload!
31/WOLFENSTEIN: How do I get to this level?  Demo
31/WOLFENSTEIN: I'm getting 0% Secrets!
32/GROSSE: How do I get to this level?  Demo
32/GROSSE: How do I exit this level?  Demo
32/GROSSE: Where are all the hidden areas/Items?  Map  Demo
32/GROSSE: I'm getting 0% Secrets!

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                         PC MASTER LEVELS FOR DOOM II

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About: Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

ATTACK.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
BLACKTWR.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
BLACKTWR.WAD: I'm surrounded by 4 walls and can't get out!  Video
BLOODSEA.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
BLOODSEA.WAD: There's a room in the northwest I can't open!  Demo
CANYON.WAD: I'm missing one or more Secrets!  Map  Demo
CATWALK.WAD: How can I get the yellow key or red key?  Map  Demo
CATWALK.WAD: I got stuck on the far end of the giant pit!  Map  Demo
CATWALK.WAD: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
COMBINE.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
FISTULA.WAD: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
GARRISON.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
GARRISON.WAD: How do I get that northwest Megasphere?  Demo
GERYON.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
MANOR.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
MANOR.WAD: How do I get the rocket launcher by the front door?  Demo
MANOR.WAD: How do I get the BFG9000 on that outdoor pedestal?  Demo
MANOR.WAD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Demo
MANOR.WAD: Is there any other way to get the Computer Map?  Demo
MEPHISTO.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
MEPHISTO.WAD: Games saved on this map won't reload!
MINOS.WAD: How can I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
MINOS.WAD: Where is the red key?  Map  Demo
NESSUS.WAD: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
PARADOX.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
PARADOX.WAD: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
SUBSPACE.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
SUBSPACE.WAD: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
SUBTERRA.WAD: How do I get the southwest Soul Sphere?  Demo
SUBTERRA.WAD: Where are the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
TEETH.WAD - Map 31: How do I get to the keys and the exit(s)?  Map  Demo
TTRAP.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
VESPERAS.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
VIRGIL.WAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see Henrik Larsen's Master Levels FAQ, and the full-game

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                      PC DOOM II: NO REST FOR THE LIVING

Click on Map to view a map of indicated levels; Click on Video to watch a video
of the indicated levels on YouTube.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

1/THE EARTH BASE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
1/THE EARTH BASE: What/where is the "Easter egg" on this level?  Video
2/THE PAIN LABS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
3/CANYON OF THE DEAD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
4/HELL MOUNTAIN: How do I get the plasma rifle?  Video
4/HELL MOUNTAIN: How do I get to that Soul Sphere?  Video
4/HELL MOUNTAIN: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
5/VIVISECTION: How do I get that outdoor Soul Sphere?  Video
5/VIVISECTION: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Video
5/VIVISECTION: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
6/INFERNO OF BLOOD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Video
6/INFERNO OF BLOOD: How do I get the BFG9000?  Video
6/INFERNO OF BLOOD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
7/BARON'S BANQUET: How do I get the BFG9000?  Video
7/BARON'S BANQUET: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
8/TOMB OF MALEVOLENCE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
8/TOMB OF MALEVOLENCE: How can I beat this level?  Video
9/MARCH OF THE DEMONS: How do I get to this level?  Video
9/MARCH OF THE DEMONS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                         PC FINAL DOOM: TNT EVILUTION

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About: Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/SYSTEM CONTROL: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
02/HUMAN BBQ: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
02/HUMAN BBQ: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
03/POWER CONTROL: There are tiny rooms I can't reach!
04/WORMHOLE: How/when is the exit opened?  Map  Demo
05/HANGER: I can see the blue key, but can't get it!  Map  Demo
05/HANGER: What is that switch by the blue-key room?  Demo
06/OPEN SEASON: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
07/PRISON: How can I open up the last Secret area?  Map  Demo
08/METAL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
09/STRONGHOLD: How can I get the red key?  Map  Demo
09/STRONGHOLD: Why can't I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
10/REDEMPTION: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
11/STORAGE FACILITY: How do I get to that Megasphere?  Demo
11/STORAGE FACILITY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
13/NUKAGE PROCESSING: How can I get all of the keys?  Map  Demo
14/STEEL WORKS: How do I get to the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
15/DEAD ZONE: There are enemies/areas I can't get to!
15/DEAD ZONE: How do I get the BFG9000 on the pillar?  Demo
15/DEAD ZONE: How do I get that outdoor Artifact/sphere?  Demo
15/DEAD ZONE: What's that button in the northwest do?  Demo
15/DEAD ZONE: The exit got blocked off in Deathmatch!  Demo
15/DEAD ZONE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
16/DEEPEST REACHES: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
16/DEEPEST REACHES: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
17/PROCESSING AREA: How do I escape the blue-key pit?  Demo
17/PROCESSING AREA: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
18/MILL: How do I get to the keys?  Map  Demo
18/MILL: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
18/MILL: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
19/SHIPPING/RESPAWNING: How do I get up to the armor?  Demo
19/SHIPPING/RESPAWNING: I keep missing some Kills!  Demo
19/SHIPPING/RESPAWNING: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Demo
20/CENTRAL PROCESSING: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
20/CENTRAL PROCESSING: How do I get in the blue room?  Demo
20/CENTRAL PROCESSING: I'm trapped in the "BFG room"!  Demo
20/CENTRAL PROCESSING: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
21/ADMINISTRATION CENTER: How do I move east/outside?  Map  Demo
21/ADMINISTRATION CENTER: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
22/HABITAT: Where is the blue key?  Map  Demo
22/HABITAT: How do I get to the red key?  Map  Demo
22/HABITAT: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
22/HABITAT: Is there a faster/easier way to exit?  Demo
24/QUARRY: How can I get the blue keycard?  Map  Demo
25/BARON'S DEN: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
25/BARON'S DEN: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Demo
25/BARON'S DEN: What's that tiny room next to the exit?  Map  Demo
26/BALLISTYX: How do I get to that other/outdoor exit?  Demo
27/MOUNT PAIN: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
29/RIVER STYX: Why can't I get 100% Kills at Skill 3?
29/RIVER STYX: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
30/LAST CALL: What routes can I use to cross the pit?  Demo
30/LAST CALL: What's the trick to beating this level?  Demo
30/LAST CALL: There are some chambers I can't access!  Demo
30/LAST CALL: Games saved on this map won't reload!
31/PHARAOH: How do I get to this level?  Demo
31/PHARAOH: Where can I get a patch to fix the yellow-key problem?  Map
31/PHARAOH: How do I exit the patched version of this level?  Map  Demo
31/PHARAOH: Can I exit without keys/cheats/patches?  Demo
32/CARIBBEAN: How do I get to this level?  Demo
32/CARIBBEAN: How can I get the BFG9000 in the box?  Demo
32/CARIBBEAN: How can I get into the exit chamber?  Map  Demo
32/CARIBBEAN: I keep missing some Kills/Items!  Demo

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About: Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/CONGO: Why do I always get an Items score of 0%?
02/WELL OF SOULS: How do I get to the keys?  Map  Demo
02/WELL OF SOULS: How do I get across that huge pit?  Demo
03/AZTEC: I always die in that huge southeast room!  Map  Demo
04/CAGED: How do I get to that Soul Sphere?  Demo
04/CAGED: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
06/BARON'S LAIR: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
06/BARON'S LAIR: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
07/CAUGHTYARD: I always die before I can get out!  Demo
08/REALM: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
10/ONSLAUGHT: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
10/ONSLAUGHT: Is there a faster way to exit?  Demo
11/HUNTED: I keep getting lost/stuck on this level!  Demo
12/SPEED: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
13/THE CRYPT: How do I get that outdoor Soul Sphere?  Demo
14/GENESIS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
15/THE TWILIGHT: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
16/THE OMEN: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
17/COMPOUND: How do I get the armor on that platform?  Demo
20/THE DEATH DOMAIN: How do I get to the blue key?  Map  Demo
20/THE DEATH DOMAIN: I keep missing Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
21/SLAYER: I keep missing Items or Secrets!  Map  Demo
22/IMPOSSIBLE MISSION: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
23/TOMBSTONE: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
25/THE TEMPLE OF DARKNESS: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Demo
26/BUNKER: How do I get to the keys?  Map  Demo
26/BUNKER: I keep missing Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
29/ODYSSEY OF NOISES: How do I get to the keys/exit?  Map  Demo
30/THE GATEWAY OF HELL: How do I beat this level?  Demo
30/THE GATEWAY OF HELL: What are those hidden areas?  Map
30/THE GATEWAY OF HELL: Games saved here won't load!
31/CYBERDEN: How do I get to this level?  Demo
31/CYBERDEN: Is there a second exit on this map?  Demo
32/GO 2 IT: How do I get to this level?  Demo
32/GO 2 IT: How can I beat this level?  Demo

Access DoomMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

Back to Top

                            PC ULTIMATE DOOM: SIGIL

This section also covers the SIGIL ports for game consoles and other platforms.
Click on Video to watch a video of the indicated levels on YouTube.

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

E5M1/BAPHOMET'S DEMESNE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M2/SHEOL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M3/CAGES OF THE DAMNED: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M4/PATHS OF WRETCHEDNESS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M5/ABADDON'S VOID: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M5/ABADDON'S VOID: How can I kill the Cyberdemon(s)?  Video
E5M6/UNSPEAKABLE PERSECUTION: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M7/NIGHTMARE UNDERWORLD: How do I reach the exit?  Video
E5M7/NIGHTMARE UNDERWORLD: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M8/HALLS OF PERDITION: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
E5M9/REALM OF IBLIS: How do I get to this level?  Video
E5M9/REALM OF IBLIS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video

Request help, hints, or demos -- Please specify the game system (PC/PS1/other),
Doom game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

Back to Top

                       PLAYSTATION 3 CLASSIC DOOM GAMES

Classic Doom/Doom II games for Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) are nearly identical to
the equivalent games for PC.  One difference is that the maps in the PS3 Master
Levels game are compiled into an Episode, while PC Master levels maps are in 20
separate, individually-loaded WAD files (most of which simply replace the first
level in Doom II's normal mapset).

Click to jump to:
PS3 Master Levels
PC Doom 1 and Ultimate Doom
PC Doom II: Hell on Earth
PC Doom II: No Rest for the Living
PC Final Doom: TNT/Evilution
PC Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment

Back to Top


Note: PS3 Doom II Master Levels are nearly identical to the equivalent PC maps.
Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
map images of indicated levels; Click on Demo to access level demos that can be
watched via YouTube, or downloaded and watched using your own PC Doom software.
(About Map images / Demo files / Playing demos using DOS or Doom95)

01/ATTACK: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
02/CANYON: I'm missing one or more Secrets!  Map  Demo
03/THE CATWALK: How can I get the yellow key or red key?  Map  Demo
03/THE CATWALK: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
04/THE COMBINE: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
05/THE FISTULA: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
06/THE GARRISON: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
06/THE GARRISON: How do I get that northwest Megasphere?  Demo
07/TITAN MANOR: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
07/TITAN MANOR: How do I get that BFG9000 by the entrance?  Demo
07/TITAN MANOR: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Demo
08/PARADOX: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
08/PARADOX: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
09/SUBSPACE: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
09/SUBSPACE: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
10/SUBTERRA: How do I get the southwest Soul Sphere?  Demo
10/SUBTERRA: Where are the Secret areas?  Map  Demo
11/TRAPPED ON TITAN (SP): How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
12/VIRGIL'S LEAD: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
13/MINOS' JUDGEMENT: How can I get the blue key?  Map  Demo
13/MINOS' JUDGEMENT: Where is the red key?  Map  Demo
14/BLOODSEA KEEP: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
14/BLOODSEA KEEP: There's a room in the northwest I can't open!
15/MEPHISTO'S MAOSOLEUM: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
15/MEPHISTO'S MAOSOLEUM: Games saved on this map won't reload!
16/NESSUS: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map  Demo
17/GERYON: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
18/VESPERAS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
19/BLACK TOWER (SP): How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Demo
20/EXPRESS ELEVATOR: How do I get to the keys and the exit(s)?  Map  Demo
21/BAD DREAM: How can I beat this level?  Map  Demo

Note: PS3 Master Levels maps 11 and 19 are only accessed in Single Player mode.

Back to Top

                       XBOX 360/XBLA CLASSIC DOOM GAMES

Classic Doom/Doom II games for Microsoft Xbox 360/Xbox Live Arcade are modified
ports of the original PC games, and include all of the same maps.

Click to jump to:
PC Doom 1 and Ultimate Doom
PC Doom II: Hell on Earth
PC Doom II: No Rest for the Living

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                          ORIGINAL-XBOX ULTIMATE DOOM

Original-Xbox Ultimate Doom (included with the Original-Xbox games "Doom 3:
Limited Collector's Edition" and "Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil") is a port of
PC Ultimate Doom, and includes all of the maps in the PC game, plus an
additional map, Sewers, which is not intended to be a part of normal gameplay.

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels; Click on Video to watch a video of the indicated
levels on YouTube.

HIDDEN LEVEL E1M10/SEWERS: How do I get to this level?  Map  Video

For more information, or to download a PC-compatible version of this level, see
the XboxSpec page.

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Original-Xbox Doom II: Hell on Earth (included with the Original-Xbox games
"Doom 3: Limited Collector's Edition" and "Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil") is a
port of PC Doom II, and includes all of the maps in the PC game, plus an
additional map, Betray, which is not intended to be a part of normal gameplay.

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels; Click on Video to watch a video of the indicated
levels on YouTube.

HIDDEN LEVEL 33/BETRAY: How do I get to this level?  Map  Video

For more information, or to download a PC-compatible version of this level, see
the XboxSpec page.

Back to Top


Xbox Master Levels (a bonus game in "Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil" for Xbox)
includes 18 of the 21 maps found in the PC "Master Levels" map collection.

Click to jump to PC Master Levels

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                              PLAYSTATION 1 DOOM

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels; Click on Video to watch a video of the indicated
level on YouTube.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/HANGAR: I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map
02/PLANT: How do I get the chain saw?
02/PLANT: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
04/COMMAND CONTROL: How do I get to the the exit?  Map
08/PHOBOS ANOMALY: How do I beat this level?
11/REFINERY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
12/DEIMOS LAB: How do I get to the exit door?  Map
19/HOUSE OF PAIN: How do I get to the exit?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the yellow key?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the blue key?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I open all 4 chambers?
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: I can't get some Items/Secrets!  Map
21/MT. EREBUS: Where is the blue key?  Map
21/MT. EREBUS: Where is the exit?  Map
22/LIMBO: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map
24/HELL BENEATH: I can't get 100% Secrets!  Map
25/PERFECT HATRED: How do I jump that first gap?
25/PERFECT HATRED: How do I get up into that room?
27/UNRULY EVIL: Why can't I get 100% Kills?
27/UNRULY EVIL: 2 chambers by the exit won't open!
29/TWILIGHT DESCENDS: How do I get all the keys?  Map
29/TWILIGHT DESCENDS: How do I get up to that Megasphere?
30/THRESHOLD OF PAIN: How do I get the keys?  Map
30/THRESHOLD OF PAIN: How do I find the secret areas?  Map
33/THE GANTLET: I can't find (or get) some Items!
33/THE GANTLET: How do I get to the exit?  Map
35/THE WASTE TUNNELS: How do I enter that northwest room?
36/THE CRUSHER: How do I get the blue key?  Map
38/TRICKS AND TRAPS: I always die near the exit!
41/O OF DESTRUCTION: How do I get to the exit?  Map
42/THE FACTORY: Where is the red key?
42/THE FACTORY: How do I get to the exit?  Map
44/SUBURBS: Where/how do I access the exit?  Map
45/TENEMENTS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map
45/TENEMENTS: Why can't I get 100% Kills at Skill 4?
47/THE CITADEL: I'm trapped in a D-shaped room!
47/THE CITADEL: How do I enter that other building?
47/THE CITADEL: How do I get to the keys?  Map
47/THE CITADEL: How do I get to the Soul Sphere?
47/THE CITADEL: What's that switch above the blue key?  Map
48/NIRVANA: How do I get past the "4 switch" barrier?
52/THE ABANDONED MINES: How do I get that plasma rifle?
53/MONSTER CONDO: I'm missing a Secret; Where is it?  Map
55/FORTRESS OF MYSTERY: How do I get to this level?  Video
55/FORTRESS OF MYSTERY: Why can't I get 100% Items?
56/THE MILITARY BASE: How do I get to this level?  Video
57/THE MARSHES: How do I get to this level?  Video
58/THE MANSION: How do I get to this level?  Video
58/THE MANSION: How do I get the blue key?  Map
58/THE MANSION: How do I get the red key?  Map
58/THE MANSION: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
59/CLUB DOOM: How do I get to this level?  Video
59/CLUB DOOM: Where is the exit?  Map

Access PSXMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in this game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

Back to Top

                           PLAYSTATION 1 FINAL DOOM

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

02/VIRGIL: How do I get through this level?
04/COMBINE: How do I get the red key?  Map
04/COMBINE: How do I get the yellow key?  Map
04/COMBINE: How can I reach that switch/open the exit?  Map
07/GERYON: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map
08/MINOS: How can I get the blue key?  Map
08/MINOS: How can I get the red key?  Map
09/NESSUS: I hear one last monster; Where is it?
09/NESSUS: How do I get the Items across that gap?
09/NESSUS: I can't get 100% Secrets!  Map
10/PARADOX: I keep missing some Kills/Items/Secrets!  Map
12/SUBTERRA: How do I get the southwest Soul Sphere?
12/SUBTERRA: Where are the Secret areas?  Map
13/VESPERAS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map
14/SYSTEM CONTROL: How do I get to the exit?  Map
18/NUKAGE PROCESSING: How can I get all three keys?  Map
18/NUKAGE PROCESSING: The Automap shows inaccessible rooms!  Map
19/DEEPEST REACHES: How do I get the red key?  Map
19/DEEPEST REACHES: What's that odd area by the yellow key?  Map
19/DEEPEST REACHES: Is it possible to get 100% Kills?
21/LUNAR MINING PROJECT: I can't get 100% Kills!
23/BALLISTYX: How do I get to that other exit?
23/BALLISTYX: I can't get 100% Kills!
28/BARON'S LAIR: How do I get through this level?
28/BARON'S LAIR: I keep missing some Items/Secrets!  Map
29/THE DEATH DOMAIN: How do I get to the blue key?  Map
29/THE DEATH DOMAIN: I can't get 100% Secrets!  Map
30/ONSLAUGHT: How can I beat this level?

Access PSXMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in this game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

Back to Top

                               SEGA SATURN DOOM

Saturn Doom is a modified port of PlayStation Doom, and uses the same maps and
map numbers.

Click to jump to PlayStation Doom

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                           NINTENDO 64 (N64) DOOM 64

This section also covers retail Doom 64 ports for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch.
Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels; Click on Video to watch a video of the indicated
levels on YouTube.  (About map images)

See also: Doom 64 (2020) Achievements/Trophies video Playlist

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/STAGING AREA: Is there a way to move faster in this game?  Video
01/STAGING AREA: Where is the blue key?  Map  Video
01/STAGING AREA: Why can't I get a Secrets score above 75%?  Video
01/STAGING AREA: Isn't that hallway teleporter a Secret?  Map  Video
02/THE TERRAFORMER: How can I get the keys?  Map  Video
02/THE TERRAFORMER: Is there another way to get the blue key?  Video
02/THE TERRAFORMER: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
03/MAIN ENGINEERING: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
04/HOLDING AREA: How do I get the chaingun?  Video
04/HOLDING AREA: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
05/TECH CENTER: How do I move the bars to get the red key?  Map  Video
05/TECH CENTER: How can I get the blue key?  Map
05/TECH CENTER: How do I get to the Soul Sphere by the red key?  Video
05/TECH CENTER: How do I open the path to the exit?  Map  Video
05/TECH CENTER: How can I get a 100% Secrets score?  Map  Video
06/ALPHA QUADRANT: I fell into a huge pit, is there a way out?  Video
06/ALPHA QUADRANT: How do I get to the keys and exit?  Map  Video
06/ALPHA QUADRANT: How do I enter the cage by the huge pit?  Video
06/ALPHA QUADRANT: How do I get to the Secret areas/items?  Map  Video
07/RESEARCH LAB: How do I get the Mega-Armor?  Video
07/RESEARCH LAB: How do I get the red key?  Map  Video
07/RESEARCH LAB: There's a button/switch that I can't activate!  Video
07/RESEARCH LAB: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
08/FINAL OUTPOST: How can I get the yellow key?  Map  Video
08/FINAL OUTPOST: Is there another way to get the red key?  Map  Video
08/FINAL OUTPOST: How do I get that teleporting weapon?  Video
08/FINAL OUTPOST: Where is the exit?  Map
08/FINAL OUTPOST: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
10/THE BLEEDING: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
11/TERROR CORE: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
11/TERROR CORE: Are there any other hidden objects?  Video
12/ALTAR OF PAIN: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
13/DARK CITADEL: How do I get the keys?  Map  Video
13/DARK CITADEL: Is there a better way to get the blue key?  Map  Video
13/DARK CITADEL: How do I get the items on the bookcases?  Video
13/DARK CITADEL: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
13/DARK CITADEL: Are there non-Secret hidden Items?  Video
14/EYE OF THE STORM: How can I get the chaingun/backpack?  Video
14/EYE OF THE STORM: How can I get that BFG9000?  Video
14/EYE OF THE STORM: Why can't I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
15/DARK ENTRIES: How do I get the blue key or Soul Sphere?  Map  Video
15/DARK ENTRIES: Is there another way to get the blue key?  Video
15/DARK ENTRIES: How do I get the armor and other Soul Sphere?  Video
15/DARK ENTRIES: I still can't get 100% Items!
15/DARK ENTRIES: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
15/DARK ENTRIES: Are there any other hidden objects?  Video
16/BLOOD KEEP: How do I get the keys?  Map  Video
16/BLOOD KEEP: I see a plasma rifle but can't get it!  Video
16/BLOOD KEEP: I got stuck in a lava trap!  Video
17/WATCH YOUR STEP: How do I get the blue Mega Armor vest?  Video
17/WATCH YOUR STEP: How do I get the Mega Sphere?  Video
17/WATCH YOUR STEP: How do I get to the Medikit platforms?  Video
18/SPAWNED FEAR: How can I get the blue key?  Map  Video
18/SPAWNED FEAR: How can I get the yellow key?  Map  Video
18/SPAWNED FEAR: Where are the Secret areas?  Map  Video
19/THE SPIRAL: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Video
20/BREAKDOWN: How can I get the blue key?  Map  Video
20/BREAKDOWN: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
20/BREAKDOWN: How do I get everything in the red-brick maze?  Video
21/PITFALLS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Video
21/PITFALLS: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
22/BURNT OFFERINGS: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map  Video
22/BURNT OFFERINGS: How can I get the Mega Sphere?
22/BURNT OFFERINGS: Can I avoid the rocket-launcher trap?  Video
22/BURNT OFFERINGS: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Video
23/UNHOLY TEMPLE: How can I open the color-coded barriers?  Video
23/UNHOLY TEMPLE: How do I get the Soul Sphere by the 3 switches?  Video
23/UNHOLY TEMPLE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
24/NO ESCAPE: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map  Video
24/NO ESCAPE: How do I access that chamber in the red wall?  Map  Video
24/NO ESCAPE: How can I exit this level?  Map  Video
25/CAT AND MOUSE: How do I get to this level?
25/CAT AND MOUSE: Where are the Items and Secrets?  Map  Video
26/HARDCORE: How do I get to this level?
27/PLAYGROUND: How do I get to this level?
28/THE ABSOLUTION: How can I beat this level?  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: How do I get to this level?  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: What's that tiny chamber by the entrance?  Map  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: How do I get the red key?  Map  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: How do I get the Soul Sphere in the maze?  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: How do I get the Demon Artifact?  Video
29/OUTPOST OMEGA: How can I get 100% Secrets and Items?  Map  Video
30/THE LAIR: How do I get to this level?  Video
30/THE LAIR: How do I get the Demon Artifact?  Video
30/THE LAIR: How do I get the Mega-Armor by the stairs?
30/THE LAIR: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Map  Video
30/THE LAIR: Are there other hidden objects?  Video
30/THE LAIR: How do I get to the exit?  Map  Video
31/IN THE VOID: How do I get to this level?  Video
31/IN THE VOID: How do I get the Demon Artifact?  Video
32/HECTIC: How do I get to this level?  Video
32/HECTIC: Is is possible to get the green armor vest?  Video
32/HECTIC: Is it possible to take the Soul Sphere?  Video
34/PLANT OPS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
35/EVIL SACRIFICE: I can't get to the red key!  Video
35/EVIL SACRIFICE: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
36/COLD GROUNDS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
37/WRETCHED VATS: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video
38/THY GLORY: How do I get the items on the pillars?  Video
38/THY GLORY: How can I get 100% Secrets?  Video

Note: Levels 34 through 39 comprise a newer, separate 6-map Episode called "The
Lost Levels".  That Episode and level 40, Panic, were not in the original game;
They appear only in the retail ports of Doom 64 released in 2020.

Access D64Maps to view quick-reference maps of all levels in the main campaign.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                             APPLE IPHONE/IOS DOOM

Doom (Classic) for Apple iOS devices is a port of PC Ultimate Doom and includes
all of the maps in the PC game.

Click to jump to PC Ultimate Doom

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                          SUPER NINTENDO (SNES) DOOM

SNES Doom is a port of PC Doom 1 and includes many of the maps in the PC game,
but some SNES maps have had minor changes made.  (Click to jump to PC Doom 1.)

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

HANGAR (E1M1): I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map
NUCLEAR PLANT (E1M2): How do I get the chain saw?  Map
NUCLEAR PLANT (E1M2): Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
PHOBOS ANOMALY (E1M7): I get killed as I try to exit!
MILITARY BASE (E1M8): How do I get to this level?
REFINERY (E2M2): Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
DEIMOS LAB (E2M3): How do I get to the exit door?  Map
FORTRESS OF MYSTERY (E2M6): How do I get to this level?
MT. EREBUS (E3M5): Where is the blue key?  Map
MT. EREBUS (E3M5): Where is the exit?  Map
WARRENS (E3M8): How do I get to this level?

Access SNESMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in the game.
For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

Back to Top

                             SEGA GENESIS 32X DOOM

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01 ("Hangar"): I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map
02 ("Nuclear Plant"): How do I get the chain saw?
02 ("Nuclear Plant"): Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
04 ("Command Control"): How do I get to the the exit?  Map
11 ("Refinery"): Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
12 ("Deimos Lab"): How do I get to the exit door?  Map
14 ("Halls of the Damned"): There's a room I can't access!  Map
14 ("Halls of the Damned"): How can I get 100% Kills?  Map
17 ("Military Base"): How do I get to this level?
Why can't I access map 16 or 17?

Access 32XMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in this game.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                               ATARI JAGUAR DOOM

Click on a question for written help for indicated levels; Click on Map to view
a map of indicated levels.  (About map images)

SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

01/HANGAR: I missed a Secret; Where is it?  Map
02/PLANT: How do I get the chain saw?
02/PLANT: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
04/COMMAND CONTROL: How do I get to the the exit?  Map
10/CONTAINMENT AREA: There's an area I can't get into!  Map
11/REFINERY: Where are all the Secret areas?  Map
12/DEIMOS LAB: How do I get to the exit door?  Map
14/HALLS OF THE DAMNED: There's a room I can't access!  Map
14/HALLS OF THE DAMNED: How can I get 100% Kills?
19/HOUSE OF PAIN: How do I get to the exit?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the yellow key?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I get the blue key?  Map
20/UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: How can I open all 4 chambers?
21/MT EREBUS: Where is the blue key?  Map
21/MT EREBUS: Where is the exit?  Map
22/LIMBO: How do I get to the keys and the exit?  Map
24/MILITARY BASE: How do I get to this level?

Access JagMaps to view quick-reference map images for every level in this game.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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                                   3DO DOOM

3DO Doom is a modified port of Atari Jaguar Doom, and uses the same maps and
map numbers.

Click to jump to Atari Jaguar Doom

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GBA Doom is a modified port of Atari Jaguar Doom, and uses the same maps and
map numbers for the Single-player and Cooperative games.

Click to jump to Atari Jaguar Doom

For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

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SECRET LEVELS: Where are the secret exits or hidden levels?

UNDERHALLS (02): How do I get the red key?
THE GANTLET (03): I can't find (or get) some Items!
THE GANTLET (03): How do I get to the exit?
THE WASTE TUNNELS (05): Why can't I get 100% Kills?
INDUSTRIAL ZONE: A (15): How do I get the red key?
INDUSTRIAL ZONE: A (15): How do I get to the exit?
INDUSTRIAL ZONE: B (16): How do I get the blue key?
INDUSTRIAL ZONE: B (16): Where are all the secret areas?
TENEMENTS (18): How do I get to the keys and the exit?
THE CITADEL (20): I'm trapped in a D-shaped room!
THE CITADEL (20): How do I get to the Soul Sphere?
GOTCHA! (21): How do I beat those those 2 monsters?
WOLFENSTEIN (33): How do I get to this level?
GROSSE (34): How do I get to this level?

For more information see the full-game FAQ/walkthrough.

Request help or hints -- Please specify your game system (PS1/SNES/other), Doom
game title (Doom/Doom II/Final Doom/other), and map name or number.

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Tapwave Zodiac Doom II is a port of PC Doom II, and includes all of the maps in
the PC game.

Click to jump to PC Doom II

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About this page and the walkthroughs here:

These are some of the more common questions that have been emailed to me and/or
posted to various Doom forums and message boards over the years.
By the mid-1990s I had typed and emailed individual responses to some of these
questions so many times, that I finally began just writing generic walkthroughs
to copy-paste into my emails.  In April of 1997 I created this page on my first
Doom site, and began adding those walkthroughs to it.

In November of '98 I started adding demo files ("LMPs"), which illustrate the
walkthroughs for some of the more common problem areas in computer-based Doom
and Doom II games.  (Note that all demos here are made for use with version 1.9
of the appropriate games.  For information about upgrading your Doom or Doom II
game to version 1.9, click here.  For more about using demo files, click here.)

In March '99 I began supporting the Master Levels for Doom II, adding revised
editions of the walkthroughs and demo files that I'd originally created a year
earlier for Henrik Larsen's now-defunct Master Levels site.
In July 2002 I moved the explicit secret-exit questions to a supplemental page.
I did that in an effort to avoid spoiling those secrets for players who search
this page for answers to different questions.
In January 2006 I began hosting the full-game FAQs that Tim Brastow started in
2003.  My demos and level walkthroughs cover common problem areas and many of
the harder puzzles; his FAQs cover much more.

In June 2006 the DoomMaps resource was added to the site, providing level maps
for PC/Xbox classic Doom games, and links to it were added from relevant areas
of this page.  In July 2007 the PSXMaps resource was added to cover PlayStation
and Sega Saturn Doom games.  In August 2008 the D64Maps resource was added for
Doom 64.  In September of 2009 the JagMaps, 32XMaps and SNESMaps resources and
links were added to cover Doom 1 games on Sega 32X, Jaguar, 3DO, GBA, and Super
Nintendo.  In June of 2010 the XBLAMaps resource was added to cover the Doom II
games/Episodes for Xbox 360/Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA).
In December 2012 the PS3Maps resource was added to cover the PS3 Doom II Master
Levels.  Also, the Xbox 360/XBLA "No Rest for the Living" links and resources
were converted or merged into the equivalent PC sections of this site.

In October 2024 a section was added here for SIGIL (Ultimate Doom's Episode 5).

Have a question that you don't see an answer for, or did you read an answer but
it didn't help?  Write to me, or you can post a question on one of the off-site
Doom forums.  You can also find help and much more information through the page
of recommended Doom links.

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