Last update: 07/25/2024

                    DEMOS FOR PC DOOM II: HELL ON EARTH V1.9

(Read about These demos / Using .lmp files / Upgrading to v1.9)

Click to jump to Doom 2 demo(s) for:

LEVEL 02: UNDERHALLS (2 demos)
LEVEL 03: THE GANTLET (3 demos)
LEVEL 06: THE CRUSHER (3 demos)
LEVEL 07: DEAD SIMPLE (3 demos)
LEVEL 12: THE FACTORY (2 demos)
LEVEL 13: DOWNTOWN (4 demos)
LEVEL 16: SUBURBS (4 demos)
LEVEL 19: THE CITADEL (8 demos)
LEVEL 20: GOTCHA! (6 demos)
LEVEL 24: THE CHASM (2 demos)
LEVEL 30: ICON OF SIN (5 demos)
LEVEL 32: GROSSE (2 demos)
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01SEC.LMP: 00:51, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secret areas.  Also
shows that a 100% Items score can be achieved without picking up weapons, ammo,
full armor vests or health packs.  (On this level, only the green armor helmets
and blue health potions count toward the Items score.)
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LEVEL 02: UNDERHALLS (2 demos)
02RED.LMP: 00:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the red key by running through a nearby window.  (In
computer-based Doom games "Run" is typically enabled by holding the Shift key.)
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02COMBAT.LMP: 01:30, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: As with all combat demos here, this one was
made keyboard-only, and I exit the level in better shape than when I entered.
Not my favorite demo of this level, but it is my fastest... Despite some clumsy
moments I manage to nail the Par Time.
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LEVEL 03: THE GANTLET (3 demos)
03SEC.LMP: 00:37, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates 2 methods for getting into that "well", where a handful of
useful Items are located.
The first method involves running from a bridge opposite the well.
The second method shows how to get into the well from a nearby platform, using
a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways.  This "strafe
running" maneuver moves the player character at an odd angle but yields a speed
slightly above that of plain running.
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03BAKPAK.LMP: 00:43, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to get a backpack on this level.  This is the first place in
Doom II (since v1.9) where you can find one during the Single-player campaign.
It can be easy to overlook this item since it's well hidden, won't affect the
player's Items score, and its location is not a score-affecting Secret area.
The backpack, and a pair of teleporters, can be accessed once a player crosses
an invisible floor trigger that's located just in front of a switch.
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03EXIT.LMP: 00:37, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get into the exit chamber.
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05PLASMA.LMP: 00:39, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows two methods for acquiring a weapon located in a narrow chamber on
the north edge of the western half of the map.
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05HOLES.LMP: 00:39, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Two examples of gaining entrance to the twin rooms, or "holes", that are
off to either side of the exit door.  (Actually, each hole/room is just one end
of a single bracket-shaped tunnel.)
You can Run and land in either room, provided you start from the right place,
and you don't bump into any monsters along the way.  (Note that this can
include Demons/Spectres down in the water: Even if they are below you, you can
bump into them if your paths cross.)
While normal running can propel you above the water, some players may prefer
"strafe running" (using the simultaneous combination of Run-forward and
Strafe-sideways), which moves the player at an odd angle but yields a speed
slightly above that of plain running.
Both running styles are demonstrated here: Normal, followed by strafe style.
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05SEC.LMP: 00:50, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" Secret areas.
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LEVEL 06: THE CRUSHER (3 demos)
06BLUE.LMP: 00:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the blue key when playing at Skill levels 4 or 5.
(At these Skills, the key is located on a platform at the far west end of the
"crusher room".)
Notes on the making of this demo: To save some time, I run out through the gap
in the bars without waiting for the elevator to cycle; But that jump is much
easier if you ride the elevator up, then run straight through the gap from the
far side of the elevator platform.
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06SHELF.LMP: 00:43, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates one method for getting onto that shelf (or "cubbyhole") by
the staircase in the room where the red key is located.
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06MEGA.LMP: 00:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a Megasphere which can be easily overlooked.
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LEVEL 07: DEAD SIMPLE (3 demos)
07EXIT.LMP: 00:40, Skill 1
Shows an example of exiting successfully: When all of the monsters are dead, a
stair step rises up around the base of the pink cube at the center of the map.
Simply walking up to that cube and Activating it like a switch will take you to
the next level.
At least, that's how it's supposed to happen; See below for an example of when
it doesn't happen that way.
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07BUG.LMP: 00:46, Skill 1
Notes: Demonstrates a bug in which the stair step around the central platform
malfunctions, blocking normal access to the Exit cube.  Also shows how to get
to the cube by running to it from the lowered northeast or northwest platform.
This bug ordinarily occurs when the last two Arachnotrons are killed in very
close succession.  Essentially the game thinks that each one of them was the
last one to die, so the stair step rises for one of them, and then again for
the other.  Note that this only happens when their deaths overlap, but are not
This bug can be repeated multiple times in the same game if monster-respawning
is in effect (either through the built-in respawn of Nightmare Skill, or
through the use of a "-respawn" command-line parameter).  In this instance, the
stair step may again rise one interval every time any respawned Arachnotron is
"the last one to die".
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07DMX.LMP: 00:25, Deathmatch, Skill 3
Notes: Shows a small hidden chamber in the northwest corner of the map where a
separate exit switch can be found.  This is an area that is accessible during
Deathmatch games but remains sealed during Single-player and Co-op games.  Like
the regular exit switches, the Deathmatch-only exit leads to the TRICKS AND
TRAPS level.
A Deathmatch player who appears (or respawns) inside this room can open its
east-side wall.  Approaching that wall from the inside will also cause the 4
interior walls of the main courtyard to open up.
Deathmatch players can also use the regular exit switches at the center of the
map, provided they can gain access.  (If monsters are present during game,
killing all the Arachnotrons will raise a low stair step around the central
platform, allowing easy access to those switches.)
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
start the game inside the small chamber.  From there I take a quick trip to the
courtyard to show the smaller chamber where players first appear during Single
and Co-op games.
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08EXIT.LMP: 00:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an example of exiting the level via the most obvious pathway.  An
alternate method for exiting is demonstrated below.
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08ALTEX.LMP: 00:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an alternate path to the exit.  (The "regular" path to the exit is
shown above.)
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09EXIT.LMP: 01:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and get into the exit.
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10HOLE.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get into the square hole that's high up in one wall of the
chamber in the southwest corner of the map.  That hole is one part of a small
T-shaped tunnel.
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10SEC.LMP: 01:41, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secret areas and the exit.
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10MISSED.LMP: 00:42, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the plasma rifle and Soul Sphere ("Supercharge") on
this level, and where to find a few hidden but non-Secret areas.
The first area shown is at the level's entry point, and is a chamber containing
a shotgun and some health bonuses.
Nearby is a large square block that can be activated like a switch, causing it
to sink into the floor.  This will reveal a chaingun and, when playing at
higher Skill levels, 2 or 4 Spectre Demons.
Next is a large, dark room on the east side of the level.  Stepping across a
small lit-up square on the floor will cause a pair of chambers to open in the
north end of the room, revealing 4 Demons, some ammo, and a BFG 9000.
Last is a Soul Sphere and plasma rifle, located in the middle of the south edge
of the map.  To reach these objects the player must activate the nearby switch
and also step on a floor trigger in a small space just across from the switch.
The switch and floor trigger control low platforms that will temporarily drop
down to allow access.  These can be activated in either order, so long as it's
done quickly enough to let you get onto both platforms before they rise again.
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10DORBUG.LMP: 00:45, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a seldom-encountered bug with the blue-keyed door on this level,
and how to get around the problem if necessary.
When this door is closed, its north side can only be opened with the blue key.
Once opened this way, it can remain open on its own indefinitely.  This door
can also be opened temporarily, with or without a key, from the south side.
If the door has been opened from the north, but is then activated again from
the south, it will not remain open on its own, and closes after a short delay;
And once closed again, it can no longer be opened from the north side, even
with the blue key.  This potentially blocks access to a room that contains some
useful items.
Note however that players can always access that room at any time via a hidden
teleporter, and can still open the door from the south.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the blue key already in my possession.
The back/south side of the door is activated at about 15 seconds into the demo.
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11INVULN.LMP: 00:38, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the Invulnerability Artifact which is located in the
slime pool at the northwest corner of the map.
Notes on the making of this demo: I take a detour to the blue-key room in order
to cross a floor trigger in the doorway there, which opens a tunnel outside.
The tunnel leads to a teleporter, which sends you to a platform from where you
can jump to the red key.
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11EXIT.LMP: 00:59, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to drop the barricade that blocks access to the exit chamber.
Notes on the making of this demo: Using the shortcuts shown in this demo, you
don't actually need the blue key in order to exit; but you do need to cross the
threshold of the blue-key room in order to open the tunnel I use to get to the
red key.
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11NOKEYS.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a way to bypass the keys and reach the exit area somewhat faster.
This involves using the edge-activation exploit on the switch that lowers the
barrier blocking access to the northeast quadrant of the map.  Once it's down
you can strafe-run across the gap to the platform leading northeast.
Note that in this demo the player grabs a radiation suit to avoid taking damage
from the slime, but that too can be bypassed (see this video for an example).
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11SEC.LMP: 00:54, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Secret areas.  (See
also the demo 11HIDNSS below, which shows where to find a hidden but non-Secret
Supercharge/Soul Sphere.)
Note that the blue key is not needed to reach any score-affecting Secrets here,
but it is necessary to cross the doorway of the blue-key room in order to open
a Secret-flagged tunnel outside.
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11HIDNSS.LMP: 00:07, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how/where to find a hidden (but not Secret) Soul Sphere.  This
particular Item is easily missed during a typical game.
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LEVEL 12: THE FACTORY (2 demos)
12EXIT.LMP: 00:53, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
Here's how: Look for the 5 switches in the large square room in the northwest
corner of the map (the room surrounded by moving platforms).  Activate all of
them to open a passage that leads from the northeast corner of this room to the
exit chamber.
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12COMBAT.LMP: 07:25, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: At a couple of points before the final battle
I take a moment to check for stray Imps, to help ensure a 100% Kills score.
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LEVEL 13: DOWNTOWN (4 demos)
13SOUL.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the Soul Sphere ("Supercharge") near the level's
entry point.
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13KEYS.LMP: 01:21, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one way to access all 3 keys.  (A slightly different method is
shown below.)
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13KEYALT.LMP: 01:42, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Same as 13KEYS.LMP above, but shows alternate paths for accessing the
blue and red keys.
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13SEC.LMP: 01:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
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14EXIT.LMP: 00:58, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get both keys and then access the exit.  If you're having
trouble getting across certain gaps, try running to increase your speed.
("Run" in PC Doom games is typically enabled by holding down the Shift key.)
Notes on the making of this demo: There are a few different ways to get to the
exit from the level's entry point; This demo shows one of the most basic paths.
A few seconds before opening the blue-keyed door, I pause to demonstrate a
small elevator which can be used to get back out of the water if you fall in.
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14SOUL.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a way to acquire the Supercharge/Soul Sphere relatively quickly,
without needing to find any keys first.
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14MISSED.LMP: 01:52, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: There are no score-affecting secret areas on this level, but there are
some easily overlooked spaces that may contain health, ordnance and/or enemies,
depending on the chosen Skill.  This demo shows one path to reach these areas,
and also shows where to find all keys, score-affecting Items, and the exit.
Note that when playing at "Hurt Me Plenty" Skill or below, there will be 3
score-affecting Items on the level.  At higher Skills, the Berserk Pack Item
(seen here at about 42 seconds) is replaced by a Medikit, which is not a
score-affecting Item.
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15RED.LMP: 00:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates the "official" way to access the red key.  Alternate
methods are shown below.
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15REDALT.LMP: 00:52, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates three alternative methods for accessing the red key.  (The
regular or more common way is covered in the demo 15RED.LMP, above.)
The first method shown here involves hopping a low barrier that blocks access
to a teleport pad in the corner of the red-key room.  This is done by "strafe
running" (using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways)
across the tops of some low boxes near the barrier.
The second method involves activating the window-mounted switch (which drops
the barrier) from inside and below, at its lower-left edge.
Finally, the third method shown is to run/strafe-run across the stacks of boxes
located between the outside ledge and the red key.
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15BLUE.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the blue key (and yellow key).
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15RSJUMP.LMP: 01:06, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows two methods for getting onto the tall, narrow platform located out
in the lava on the south side of the map.  There is a Radiation Suit here, some
energy-weapon ammo, and a switch that opens a hidden passage.
The first method shown is to leap to the platform by running at full speed from
the top of the building in the southwest quadrant of the map.  Note that this
method can fail if there are living things anywhere below the path of the jump.
(In original PC Classic Doom games, live monsters and/or players cannot cross
paths at any height, even if there is empty vertical space between them.)  For
best results, be sure to kill any enemies patrolling the area near the building
before attemping the jump.
The second method shown is to drop down from the building just to the north of
the platform.  It's fairly easy to miss the platform, or slide off it, if your
speed is too low or too high.  Try putting your back against the wall behind
you, with the candle-holder against your left side, then walk forward steadily
until you've landed on the platform.
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15SEC.LMP: 02:39, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
Note that a Secrets score of 90% is the typical maximum for this map, because a
narrow secret area is located just before the raised edge of a teleporter, and
the player character is usually lifted by the edge of the teleporter pad before
the character's axis contacts the secret area.
(Note that there is a way to receive a 100% Secret score without cheating, but
this requires exploiting an odd side-effect of a Pain Elemental's attack.  For
more information, see this YouTube video and its description there.)
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15COMBAT.LMP: 8:55, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: To save here time I use the "edge activation"
method on a few of the switches, and I tend to grab items as I encounter them,
so I don't have to go running back to get them later.
During Automap-enhanced playback I noticed that a couple of Lost Souls survived
this game: When the last Pain Elemental monster explodes, two of the resulting
Lost Souls get flung through nearby walls, and are effectively removed from the
level... However you may still hear them growling as I head for the exit...
The Secret score of 90% achieved here is the normal maximum for this map (see
the notes for demo 15SEC.LMP, above).
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LEVEL 16: SUBURBS (4 demos)
16PLASMA.LMP: 00:31, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the 4 plasma rifles which are perched on a platform
in the southeast quadrant of the map.
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16EXIT.LMP: 00:39, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
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16SEC.LMP: 00:50, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" Secrets.
Note that a player must step down on to the small, sunken square of floorspace
that's just below the Megasphere to get credit for finding that Secret.
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16SSGPDQ.LMP: 00:12, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an exploit for quickly getting the Super Shotgun and/or a box of
shells that are located fairly close to the level's entry point.
Here the player "bump-grabs" the objects through a wall by ramming into it when
using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways.  This
"Strafe-running" maneuver moves you at an odd angle, but at a speed above that
of normal forward running.
This is not necessarily easy to do, and may take several tries, especially if
playing Doom II on console or handheld.
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17EXIT.LMP: 02:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire all 3 keys and access the exit.
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18GETMAP.LMP: 00:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get the Computer Area Map item, which is located on a shelf
in a room on the east side of the map.
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18EXIT.LMP: 00:37, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and get into the exit.
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18SEC.LMP: 00:47, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
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18COMBAT.LMP: 04:43, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: I try to pick up most of the armor helmets
first because they can be harder to spot later when the courtyard becomes
littered with bodies (and missing one means you don't get a 100% Items score).
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LEVEL 19: THE CITADEL (8 demos)
19ROOM.LMP: 00:36, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to escape the D-shaped room with a big pedestal in the center.
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19BUILD.LMP: 00:34, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the most common method used for reaching the building located in
the northwest corner of the map.  (An alternate method is shown below.)
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19BLDALT.LMP: 00:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows an alternate method for getting to the building in the northwest
corner of the map.  (The "normal" way is shown above.)
This maneuver can be tricky, but gets easier with practice.
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19EXIT.LMP: 01:41, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire all 3 keys and access the exit.
(Actually you only need two keys: the red key, and either one of the others.)
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19SOUL.LMP: 00:18, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire the Soul Sphere.
In this demo the player strafe-runs to jump onto a triangular platform in the
corner of a room.  Another way to get to that platform is to raise a pedestal
to use as a "stepping stone" to get to there.  To raise that pedestal, Activate
a switch on the wall (the switch closest to the stairs) 2 or 3 times, then jump
down to the pedestal, and then Run to reach the corner platform.  (If you miss
the jump, look for a secret panel in the opposite corner of the room, and go
through to get back to the central courtyard.)
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game in a position close to the central courtyard.
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19SWITCH.LMP: 00:32, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the location of a nonfunctional switch that is located just above
and behind the blue key.
To the left of this green switch is a short lift/elevator, which is in the
lowered position next to the blue key.  That switch was originally set up to
drop the lift temporarily, providing access to the key and courtyard.  This
would have also allowed the player to grab the key and ride back up to the area
where the switch is.  But the lift is permanently lowered due to a minor flaw
in the map; and as a result the switch that was meant to control the lift does
nothing useful.
Notes on the making of this demo: To access the northwest building I use the
same trick shown in 19BLDALT.LMP, above.
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19SEC.LMP: 01:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
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19DORBUG.LMP: 00:40, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how the hidden wall panel that allows access to the yellow key can
get permanently stuck if it's activated from the back side while closing.
If a player is on the wrong side of the panel after it freezes, then anything
behind the panel might be out of reach for the rest of the game.
(One teleporter can still send a player to that area, but only when playing at
Skill 3 or higher.)
Note that players can still access the exit without the yellow key, as long as
the red and blue keys are found.  (For more info, see the demo 19EXIT, above.)
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LEVEL 20: GOTCHA! (6 demos)
20MONS.LMP: 01:29, Skill 4
Notes: Demonstrates one method for defeating the enemies in the large room just
north of the level's entry point.
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20NWBOX.LMP: 00:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates a method for opening a hidden (but not Secret) space in the
northwest quadrant of the map, containing a BFG 9000 and some cell ammo.
The weapon's hiding place can be opened by shooting a distant red wall that can
be seen through a nearby window.  This red surface, and the vertical plane of
empty space directly below it, will react to impacts from bullets, pellets,
punches and saw blades.  That empty space will also react to those same impacts
from the opposite direction.
This hidden area is easy to overlook during a typical game, and has no direct
effect on a player's scores.
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20EXIT.LMP: 01:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.  The first part involves getting to the
stairs in the northeast corner of the map.  There are 2 teleporters that can be
used to get up onto these stairs; both teleporters are demonstrated.
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20SEC.LMP: 01:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
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20TRAP-1.LMP: 00:33, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a place on this level where a specific game-engine bug might cause
a player to become trapped, and unable to progress except by loading a previous
save-game, restarting the level, or using cheat codes (in Doom II versions that
allow it).
A structure in the northeast corner of the map has several teleporter pads, and
surrounding one of them is a special trigger line, or "tripwire", which lowers
the floor of an otherwise-sealed box at the teleporter's destination.
That tripwire can sometimes fail to activate, especially when the player moves
quickly towards the teleporter, and that can lead to the situation shown here.
Notes on the making of this demo: In order to save a couple seconds, I use the
edge-activation exploit on a switch in the big room by the level's entry point.
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20TRAP-2.LMP: 00:57, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: As with the demo 20TRAP-1, above, this shows one of the places on this
level where a player might accidentally become trapped and unable to progress,
except by loading a previous save-game, restarting the level, or using cheat
codes (in Doom II versions that allow it).
Here the player triggers a rare crushing-floor trap and gets permanently stuck.
(This specific example would've been fatal without acquiring the armor first.)
Notes on the making of this demo: In order to save a couple seconds, I use the
edge-activation exploit on a switch in the big room by the level's entry point.
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21ROOM.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the east half of that room with the 4 switches, in
the southwest corner of the map.
Here's how: Activate all 4 switches, then walk up to the raised platform and
Activate it like a switch.  The edge of the platform drops down momentarily,
allowing you to get on and ride up.
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22EXIT.LMP: 00:56, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
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23START.LMP: 00:41, Skill 5
Notes: Demonstrates a couple of ways to get past the first hall of the level,
without getting hurt by the surrounding barrels if they explode.
The first method shown is a simple run to the south end of the room, where the
player can find safety through a door.
The second method involves using single bullets to push certain barrels away
from one another, to cause a break in the chain reaction between them.  The
bullet method is demonstrated here twice; once to destroy the northern-most
cluster while leaving the rest standing, then again to stagger the destruction
of all the barrels, leaving the northern barrels for last.
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LEVEL 24: THE CHASM (2 demos)
24EXIT.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit after acquiring both the blue key (which is
optional) and the red key.
In the red-key room, Activate the switches in the following order: east, west,
north (to access the red key), then the south switch to access the teleporter.
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24SEC.LMP: 01:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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25ALL.LMP: 01:05, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) Items and Secrets.
Also shows how to reach the level's only key, and the exit.
Note that the BFG 9000 seen here will be missing when playing at Skill 4 or 5.
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26PLASMA.LMP: 00:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get the plasma rifle on the pillar in that big room behind
the level's entry point.
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26SEC.LMP: 00:57, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all keys, all "official" Secret areas, and
the exit.  (Note that only score-affecting secrets are revealed here; any other
hidden areas are not.)
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27TMPSEC.LMP: 00:47, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a special "secret room" that becomes inaccessible 30
seconds after entering the level (and is frequently overlooked as a result).
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27STUCK.LMP: 00:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how a player can inadvertently become trapped on this level during
a Single-player game.  This can happen when the player teleports into a sealed
area that can only be opened from the outside.
In the northeast corner of the map is a large, squarish room.  From within this
room adjacent spaces to the west, east and north can be opened up.  The space
to the east is elevated area, shaped like a blocky numeral 7, or a rotated
capital L.  This area is initially sealed shut, and should open when the player
crosses into the east side of the room.  But, as shown here, you can get into
that area without opening it first, by using the teleporter in a hidden tunnel
on the west side of the room.
To avoid this problem, be sure that the elevated space is open before entering
the west-side tunnel.
If you're already stuck there, PC Doom II has a "walk through walls" cheat code
that you can use to escape.  For details see the DoomCode file.
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27ROOM.LMP: 00:48, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to escape a room that may trap players on this level.
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27ONEMAP.LMP: 00:44, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates that it's impossible to pick up both of the Computer Area
Map items during a single-player game.  This accounts for why you can't get an
Items score of 100% on this level.
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27SEC.LMP: 01:07, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all score-affecting Secrets.
Note that the first secret area shown in this demo is automatically sealed shut
30 seconds after the player starts the level.
Also, a maximum secrets-found score of 87% is typical for this level, because a
teleport pad at the north side of the map is flagged as a Secret area, but the
player-character is usually teleported away before stepping far enough onto the
pad to receive credit.
In some cases one might be able to get on the pad without teleporting (see the
demo 27RUNSEC, below, for an example), but this can be difficult to impossible,
depending on the version of Doom II and the player's input device.
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27RUNSEC.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows that it is possible, though not always easy, to get credit for the
Secret-flagged teleporter pad on the north side of the map.  A player typically
cannot get credit here (see the notes with the demo 27SEC, above), so a maximum
score of 87% is considered normal for this level.
Here I take advantage of bug/exploit in the game where, if level design is just
right and the player character is moving fast enough, an event-trigger line may
get bypassed, like the teleport line at the south edge of the pad.
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27COMBAT.LMP: 07:20, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: I can't pick up the second Computer Area Map
item (see the demo 27ONEMAP.LMP, above), so the Items score is only 98%.
The Secret score of 87% achieved here is the normal maximum for this map (see
the notes for demo 27SEC.LMP, above).
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27EXTRIK.LMP: 00:19, Skill 4
Notes: Shows that at higher Skill levels it's possible to bypass most of the
map and exit quickly... if you can manage to get assistance from a sworn enemy.
This involves a rare convergence of door and monster attributes that allows the
exit door on this level (which typically requires a red key) to be opened by an
Arch-Vile, which appears near the exit at Skills 3 through 5.
Notes on the making of this demo: Here I manage to distract the Arch-Vile with
a misdirected Lost Soul attack.  After exacting revenge on the Lost Soul the
Arch-Vile decides to change position before attacking again, bumping into and
opening the exit door in the process.
A slower but potentially safer strategy would be to take out the other enemies
before letting the deaf Arch-Vile see you, then quickly use the teleporter near
the exit, and work your way back to the northwest corner of the upper section
of the room you were just in.  From there you can listen while the Arch-Vile
patrols the exit area below you.  If it does not teleport out itself, you will
likely hear the exit door open at some point, and you'll have a few seconds to
sprint to the exit portal before the door shuts again.
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28EXIT.LMP: 01:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire both keys, and then navigate a path to the exit.
Also shows how to open both ends of the tunnel where the yellow key is found.
Notes on the making of this demo: The chamber just outside of the exit portal
is opened by one of 3 impact-activated switches.  In this demo I punch-activate
the switches; but a chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, or chaingun will also work.
Each end of the L-shaped "yellow-key tunnel" is initially sealed off by a door.
The tunnel door that's closest to the exit can actually be opened from either
side.  I chose to open it from outside in order to show which wall switch
controls that door.
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28EXTRAP.LMP: 00:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how a player can inadvertently become trapped in the room located
just before the exit chamber.  This can happen if you fall into one of the 3
square pits in the south side of the room, each of which is slightly wider than
the player character, but deeper than the character's height.
At games played at Skill 3, 4 or 5, each pit is initially occupied by a live
monster, and this will prevent the player from falling in.  But at lower Skills
only the center pit is occupied; and at all Skill levels it's possible to kill
these monsters with splash-damage from rockets, leaving those pits empty.
The bottoms of the pits will rise up to floor level (freeing trapped monsters)
if the player first steps into the nearby alcove where a Megasphere is located.
Note that it's fairly easy to cross empty pits when moving quickly or steadily,
but the danger increases when moving slower.
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28SEC.LMP: 00:51, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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29ALL.LMP: 02:51, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates one path used to get to all accessible areas of the map,
and then get to the exit portal.
Note that when using Id's original Doom II engine, a score of "SECRET 0%" at
the end of the level is a normal result; There are no "official" secret areas
on this map.
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LEVEL 30: ICON OF SIN (5 demos)
30WIN.LMP: 01:08, Skill 4
Notes: An example of how to finish this level.  (Other examples appear below.)
(Spoilers: For a complete text walkthrough of this level, click here.)
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30WIN2.LMP: 00:59, Skill 4
Notes: Similar to 30WIN.LMP, above; Just another example.
This demo shows a somewhat-difficult trick that can be used to speed things up
a little.
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30WINSK5.LMP: 01:09, Skill 5
Notes: Similar to 30WIN.LMP, above, but played at Nightmare Skill.
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30RUN4IT.LMP: 00:23, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows that it is possible (though difficult) to run straight onto the
central pillar from the switch, even when playing keyboard-only.
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30BADBOX.LMP: 00:40, Skill 2
Notes: Demonstrates that on map 30, nothing alive is immune to spawn-fragging:
If a monster spawns at your location (or directly above or below you), you're
killed.  This is true even if you're "invincible" through the use of cheat
codes, or "invulnerable" through the use of an Invulnerability Artifact.
The lesson here: Keep one eye on the sky while you're playing this level. ;)
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LEVEL 32: GROSSE (2 demos)
32EXIT.LMP: 00:20, Skill 4
Notes: Shows how to exit this level.
To get on the exit-switch platform, try Running southwest onto its northeast
corner, or southeast onto its northwest corner.
Note that this level does not appear in the German edition of Doom II.
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32COMBAT.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4
Notes: Ultra-Violence combat demo with maximum Kills, Items and Secrets.
In some earlier versions of Doom II: Hell on Earth, it was impossible to get a
100% Secrets score on this map because none of the map's hidden areas were
flagged as Secret.  In version 1.9 of the game, all hidden areas in GROSSE are
"official" Secrets, and so apply towards the final score.
Notes on the making of this demo: To save time I exit the level without going
back for the leftover energy cells.
Note that this level does not appear in the German edition of Doom II.
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D2SECX1.LMP: 00:46, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit that leads to Doom II's first
secret level.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
At one point in this demo the player "jumps" onto a tall, narrow platform.  To
see an alternate way to reach that platform, or to read more about the methods
used (spoiler warning), click here.
Note that the orginal Doom II secret levels did not appear in German editions
of the game.
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D2SECX2.LMP: 00:45, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Reveals where and how to access the exit that leads to Doom II's second
secret level.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
Note that the orginal Doom II secret levels did not appear in German editions
of the game.
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