Last update: 08/23/2024


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Click to jump to Final Doom TNT demo(s) for:

LEVEL 02: HUMAN BBQ (2 demos)
LEVEL 05: HANGER (2 demos)
LEVEL 09: STRONGHOLD (3 demos)
LEVEL 15: DEAD ZONE (6 demos)
LEVEL 18: MILL (4 demos)
LEVEL 22: HABITAT (4 demos)
LEVEL 25: BARON'S DEN (3 demos)
LEVEL 30: LAST CALL (3 demos)
LEVEL 31: PHARAOH (3 demos)
LEVEL 32: CARIBBEAN (4 demos)
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TNT01EX.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the basic path for accessing the exit.
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LEVEL 02: HUMAN BBQ (2 demos)
TNT02EX.LMP: 00:43, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the yellow key and the exit.
If you have difficulty jumping to the stone staircase, try "strafe running",
using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward and Strafe-sideways.  (Remember
that "Run" in PC Doom games is typically enabled by holding down the Shift key.
A player can "Strafe" left or right by using the < or > keys, or by holding
down the Alt key and a left or right arrow key.)
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TNT02SEC.LMP: 01:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
Notes on the making of this demo: From the central platform in the courtyard I
make a strafe-running jump back to the surrounding walkway.  It's not necessary
to do that, but it can be a handy shortcut.
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TNT04EX.LMP: 00:09, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit.
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LEVEL 05: HANGER (2 demos)
TNT05BLU.LMP: 00:27, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get the blue keycard.
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TNT05MAP.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a small hidden area, which is momentarily revealed
by activating a switch located near the blue-key room.  (This switch may be
accidentally overlooked during a typical game, and even when found its function
isn't particularly obvious.)
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TNT06ALL.LMP: 02:20, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and the exit.
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TNT07SEC.LMP: 01:33, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access a small, round room on the far eastern edge of the
map.  This room contains a Soul Sphere ("Supercharge"), and a few monsters.
Entering this room will add 25% to a player's SECRET score.
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TNT08SEC.LMP: 00:41, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
Note that the second secret revealed here is just a tiny area of floorspace in
front of a switch; the secret is not what the switch controls/reveals.
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LEVEL 09: STRONGHOLD (3 demos)
TNT09RED.LMP: 00:35, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the "official" way to acquire the red key.  An alternate method is
shown below.
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TNT09RD2.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates an alternate, faster method for accessing the red key (see
the demo TNT09RED.LMP, above, for the standard method).
This involves using the edge-activation trick on a switch in the red-key room;
But this only works after the player first crosses the north edge of a narrow
lighted strip that stretches across the floor of that room.
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TNT09BLU.LMP: 01:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to acquire the blue key (and red key, via the regular method).
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TNT10SEC.LMP: 00:14, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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TNT11MS.LMP: 00:55, Skill 4
Notes: Shows an example of accessing the Megasphere located outdoors, at the
south side of the map.  (This item appears only at Skills 3 and up.)
Success of the trick shown here will depend on the player's starting health,
position, and motion.  A good running start can be useful.
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TNT11SEC.LMP: 00:29, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one method for accessing all "official" secret areas, and an
additional hidden chamber where a useful item can be found.
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TNT13ALL.LMP: 00:59, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all three keys.  Two paths are shown for accessing
the blue key.
If you're having trouble crossing the gaps to the keys, try backing up a few
paces first, and then Run to get across.  (Remember that "Run" in PC Doom games
is typically enabled by holding down the Shift key.)  "Strafe running", using a
simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways, will propel you
even faster, but at an unusual angle.
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TNT14SEC.LMP: 02:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a path for accessing all keys, "official" Secrets, and the exit.
In order to get to all the secret areas you must run across some vats of molten
steel, and avoid the crushers overhead.  The best way to get across the vats is
to "strafe run", by using a simultaneous combination of Run-forward plus
Strafe-sideways (which moves you at an odd angle, but at a speed slightly above
that of plain Running).  Also, before you start across, wait until the crusher
in front of you begins to rise up from its lowest point.
Note that even with a radiation suit on, you can still get an occasional burn
while running across the steel; If your health is low, you might want to save
the game first.
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LEVEL 15: DEAD ZONE (6 demos)
TNT15BFG.LMP: 00:18, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the BFG 9000 that sits outside on top of a pillar.
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TNT15BLR.LMP: 00:40, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get to the Megasphere (at Skills 1-2) or the Blur Artifact
(at Skills 3-5) which is located outside on a tall pillar.
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TNT15DMX.LMP: 00:22, Deathmatch, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: Shows the location and function of a special switch that may be used
during Deathmatch games.  It is a square button on one wall of a short, angled
stairwell located in the northwest corner of the main building.
In Deathmatch games, the standard-exit door can get blocked by special barriers
that rise out of the floor.  Activating the switch will temporarily open a wall
panel located a few paces to the left of the exit door.
During that time, a player can run from the switch to the open panel, and step
through to the short passage beyond, where the Exit switch can be found.
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TNT15SEC.LMP: 01:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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TNT15RL.LMP: 00:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a hidden rocket launcher on this level.
It can be easy to overlook this weapon since it's well hidden, won't affect the
player's Items score (which is true for all weapons), and its location is not a
score-affecting Secret area.
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TNT15TRK.LMP: 02:05, Skill 3
Notes: Shows one possible way to kill the "unkillable" enemies on this map, by
getting assistance from a Lost Soul.
Background: Due to an oversight in map design, some "deaf" enemies are forever
waiting behind a tall barrier at the east edge of the map, where a player can't
directly see or attack them.  (There are 4 Sergeants trapped there when playing
at Skill levels 1 and 2, a single Cacodemon at Skill 3, and a Cacodemon and a
Pain Elemental there at Skills 4 and 5.)
Because of this, a maximum Kills score below 100% (especially at Skills 1-3) is
a normal result after killing all reachable enemies.
Note however that Arch-Viles appear on this map at higher Skill levels and can
resurrect killed monsters, allowing a player to kill them again and get a score
of 100% or more, even if trapped enemies remain alive.
In this demo a Lost Soul is coaxed into a position from where it can make an
attack charge over the barrier, striking any monster waiting behind it.  This
works because, in original retail Classic Doom games, living entities cannot
cross paths at any height; So a Lost Soul attacking along a path directly above
a target can still hit that target, regardless of any height difference.
Any waiting monster struck by a Lost Soul will typically retaliate.  If it's a
flying monster (like those behind the barrier at Skills 3-5), it will usually
move above the barrier, and then out into other parts of the level.
If you have a rocket launcher, it can be used to great effect by firing at the
Lost Soul as it crosses over the barrier.  In the original retail Classic Doom
games rocket explosions are "infinitely tall", meaning that any living target
above or below the rocket's impact point can still take full damage.  This is
especially useful for eliminating the Sergeants trapped behind the barrier when
playing at Skills 1 or 2.
(The demo TNT15RL.LMP, above, shows how to find a rocket launcher on this map.)
A rocket launcher can also be used against any high-flying Cacodemons or Pain
Elementals that cross over the barrier.  Such enemies can sometimes be "pushed"
across the barrier with gunfire, then hit with rockets as they get close to any
enemies trapped below.
Notes on the making of this demo: This was made at the default Skill level 3
("Hurt Me Plenty").  At lower Skills the trapped enemies are Sergeants, and so
can't easily be seen in a demo (although they can still be killed), and at
higher Skill levels there are more enemies in the open areas to be cleared away
before freeing the Lost Soul.  But in principle the tactics shown here can be
used when playing at any Skill, as at least 3 Lost Souls are always present on
this map when the player first appears.
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TNT16ALL.LMP: 02:45, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and get into the exit.
Notes on the making of this demo: The red skull key appears in the center of an
inverted cross that's located in the wall above an altar.  Note that the key
is only visible from this vantage point, and not from the opposite side of the
wall where it is actually picked up.  (In this demo it's picked up about 1:45
after I pause to show it from the other side.  Check the on-screen messages to
see exactly where/when the key is acquired.)
There are a few different paths that can be taken to return from the yellow-key
area.  I chose to backtrack along the one I used to get there.
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TNT16SEC.LMP: 01:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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TNT17ARM.LMP: 00:17, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to reach the blue Mega-Armor vest in the rectangular pool near
the level's starting point.
The maneuver seen here can be done on either of the nearby stairways.  To make
it work you'll want to be pressing into the wall while moving down the steps.
(Note that this is for PC and PC-identical versions of the map.  To reach the
armor in the old PS1/PSX version: Activate the torch at the bottom of the
left-hand/west stairway.  A nearby section of the stairway wall will drop down
momentarily; Ride it up and jump down into the pool from there.)
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TNT17PIT.LMP: 00:23, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows that it's possible (though tricky) to escape the blue-key acid pit
if you get trapped there prematurely.  (Another way to access the key is shown
in the demo below.)
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TNT17SEC.LMP: 01:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
One of the Secrets is accessed by activating a pair of switches, both of which
are silent and don't quite look like normal switches, so they're easy to miss.
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LEVEL 18: MILL (4 demos)
TNT18ALL.LMP: 02:13, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows a path to access all 3 keys.  (An alternate path to the yellow-key
area is demonstrated below.)
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TNT18ALT.LMP: 02:33, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Like TNT18ALL.LMP, above, but shows another path to the yellow-key area.
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TNT18EX.LMP: 00:34, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the exit once you have the keys.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the keys already in my possession.
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TNT18SEC.LMP: 01:59, Deathmatch, Skill 3, no monsters
Notes: Shows the locations of all "official" Items and Secrets.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the keys already in my possession.  (See demos
TNT18ALL or TNT18ALT for examples of acquiring keys in Single-player games.)
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TNT19ALL.LMP: 01:24, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path that can be used to access all keys, all score-affecting
Items and Secret areas, and the exit.
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TNT19ARM.LMP: 00:23, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get to the green Security Armor vest (and the short tunnel
behind it) located in the dark room along the north edge of the map.
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TNT19SSG.LMP: 00:25, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find a hidden super shotgun (SSG) and a box of shells.
It's pretty easy to miss this weapon since it doesn't affect the Items score
(which is true for all weapons), and its location is not a score-affecting
Secret area.
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TNT19HID.LMP: 00:30, Deathmatch, Skill 2
Notes: Shows where to find a deaf monster that is hidden in a non-Secret area.
In a level where finding 100% of the enemies is already a bit difficult, this
one can be easily overlooked.  At Skills 1 and 2, this hidden enemy will be a
Hell Knight; At higher Skills the hidden enemy is a Revenant.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game with the keys already in my possession.
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TNT20ALL.LMP: 03:47, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and get into the exit.  Note that the blue
key can be in one of two locations depending on the chosen Skill level.  (Click
here for a map showing the location of all keys.)
In games played at Skills 4 and 5 (Ultra-Violence and Nightmare) the blue key
will be in the location shown in this demo.  At lower Skills the key will be at
the end of the tunnel where a wall panel is opened at about 1:26 in this demo.
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TNT20CGS.LMP: 00:36, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates how to get into the large blue-floored room near the middle
of the north edge of the map.
Also shows how to release the chaingunner(s) from a small inaccessible chamber
nearby.  (This involves crossing an invisible "tripwire" in the main room,
which raises a barrier that blocks access to a teleporter in the chamber.  Any
active/awakened enemy inside will then teleport out.)
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TNT20BFG.LMP: 00:42, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where you can get a BFG 9000, and demonstrates two similar methods
to escape from that area.
(From atop the pyramid where the BFG is perched, use your pistol to shoot the
switch in the room to the south.  This causes a low barrier between the BFG and
that room to drop, and also opens up a teleporter booth where the switch is.
If you find yourself trapped in that room before the switch is activated, you
can still hit it with the super shotgun, although it may take several tries.)
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TNT20SEC.LMP: 02:33, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" secret areas.
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TNT21OUT.LMP: 02:11, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get to the huge outdoor area on the east side of the map.
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TNT21SEC.LMP: 03:00, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all "official" (score-affecting) secret areas.
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LEVEL 22: HABITAT (4 demos)
TNT22BLU.LMP: 00:10, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows where to find the blue key.
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TNT22RED.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get to the red key.
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TNT22ALL.LMP: 02:19, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates a path for accessing all keys, all score-affecting secret
areas, and the exit.
A few of the Secrets here are just short passages that can be opened to connect
pairs of longer passages.
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TNT22TRK.LMP: 00:20, Skill 4
Notes: Demonstrates a way to exit quickly, bypassing most of the level.  This
involves stepping across a floor trigger located at the end of a narrow,
submerged walkway, which is normally revealed by activating a switch elsewhere
on the map.  The trigger opens the path to the exit, and can react to a player
even if the walkway isn't visible.
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TNT24BLU.LMP: 00:21, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to get the blue keycard.
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LEVEL 25: BARON'S DEN (3 demos)
TNT25ALL.LMP: 02:09, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path that can be used to access all 3 keys and the exit.
Notes on the making of this demo: Near the end of the demo, after all the keys
are acquired, there's a long delay while a slow-moving elevator cycles.
If you don't want to wait, you can quit out of the demo early by pressing the
F10 key, and then pressing Y.
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TNT25SEC.LMP: 01:28, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path for accessing all "official" Secrets.
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TNT25DMX.LMP: 00:19, Deathmatch, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows the function of a switch that's located in a tiny room next to the
exit chamber.  This room is typically only accessible during Deathmatch games,
and the switch inside opens the exit chamber.
In Single-player games this special room is sealed shut when the player steps
across a floor trigger located in a semi-circular tunnel leading away from the
level's entry point.  In Deathmatch games that tunnel is closed off to prevent
players from accidentally sealing that special room.  (In this demo the blocked
end of the tunnel is shown just after the player steps into a teleporter.)
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TNT26DMX.LMP: 00:23, Deathmatch, Skill 3
Notes: Shows the location and function of what might appear to be a secret exit
on this level.  This is actually an exit for a small section of the map that is
set aside for Deathmatch games.  Like the regular exit, this one also leads to
level 27, Mount Pain.
Notes on the making of this demo: I pause briefly on the way to the exit switch
in order to show a small cage to the north.  The cage provides players in
Single and Co-op games their only view of this part of the map.  From inside
this cage they can exchange fire with monsters outside (and may just be able to
see the Deathmatch exit) but are otherwise barred from the area.
For more information including maps and screenshots, click here.
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TNT27ALL.LMP: 02:03, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows one path that can be used to access all 3 keys and the exit.
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TNT29ALL.LMP: 02:43, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to find all keys, and all "official" Items and Secrets.  Also
shows how to access the exit.
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LEVEL 30: LAST CALL (3 demos)
TNT30PIT.LMP: 00:33, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Demonstrates two paths across the huge lava pit near the level's entry
point.  The longer, winding path is shown first, followed by a demo of a more
direct route (which can be slightly more hazardous to navigate).
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TNT30WIN.LMP: 01:44, Skill 4, no monsters (at first)
Notes: Shows how to finish this level.
(Spoiler: For an explanation of the attack method shown, click here.)
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TNT30DMX.LMP: 00:09, Deathmatch, Skill 4
Notes: Provides a glimpse of a few small areas, including an exit switch, that
are only accessible in Deathmatch mode.
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LEVEL 31: PHARAOH (3 demos)
TNT31ALL.LMP: 03:26, Skill 4, no monsters
This demo requires the additional patch file TNT31.WAD, available from TeamTNT.
(Click here for more information.)
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and the exit in the patched version of map
31, PHARAOH.  This demo will go out of sync if the TNT31.WAD patch file is not
included in the game.  (See below for demos that don't require the patch file.)
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TNT31EX.LMP: 00:44, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access the regular exit without the use of any keys, cheat
codes, or file patches.  This involves "strafe running" (using a simultaneous
combination of Run-forward plus Strafe-sideways) to reach a place that normally
requires a red key.  Then the "edge activation" trick is used to open a door
that blocks access to the exit.
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TNT31SK5.LMP: 00:37, Skill 5
Notes: Same as TNT31EX.LMP, above, but in Nightmare mode, with monsters.
Notes on the making of this demo: Recorded just for fun, this demo shows that
even at Nightmare Skill you can get through this level quickly, and exit with
boosted health and ordnance levels.
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LEVEL 32: CARIBBEAN (4 demos)
TNT32BFG.LMP: 01:21, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to open the door in the box-like barrier around the platform
in the water on the west side of the map, where a BFG 9000 and other items can
be found.
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TNT32EX.LMP: 02:15, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: Shows how to access all keys and get into the exit chamber.
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TNT32SS.LMP: 00:19, Skill 4
Notes: Shows where to find a hidden Soul Sphere that can be easy to miss during
play, as it is revealed only briefly, and a player usually has just one chance
to grab it before it's permanently moved out of reach.
Depending on the Skill level you're playing at, a Hell Knight or Baron will
also occupy the same hidden spot.  If you've scoured the entire map for enemies
yet still get a sub-100% Kills score, this monster may be to blame.
(Another hidden area that contains an enemy and a score-affecting Item is shown
in the demo TNT32MS.LMP, below.)
To open this hidden spot the player must step across an invisible trigger line
(or "tripwire") that runs north-south across the open end of the short hallway
shown here.  When that happens a small lift descends nearby, forming a narrow
niche in the south wall.  The lift stays down for just a few moments.  If you
manage to get on and ride it all the way up, you can Activate the back wall and
it will temporarily drop again.
The tripwire will work only once, and won't react to monsters crossing over it.
Note that this hidden spot is not a score-affecting Secret.
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TNT32MS.LMP: 00:15, Deathmatch, Skill 2
Notes: Shows where to find an easily overlooked Megasphere that is hidden in a
non-Secret chamber behind a false wall, and guarded by a deaf Revenant.
Notes on the making of this demo: I played in single-player Deathmatch mode to
allow me to start the game much closer to the chamber's location on the map.
(Another hidden area that contains an enemy and a score-affecting Item is shown
in the demo TNT32SS.LMP, above.)
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TNTSECX1.LMP: 00:26, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: This demo reveals where and how to access the exit that leads to TNT/
Evilution's first secret level.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
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TNTSECX2.LMP: 00:50, Skill 4, no monsters
Notes: This demo reveals where and how to access the exit that leads to TNT/
Evilution's second secret level.
(While the demo is running you can press the Tab key to see the current level's
number and name on the Automap screen.)
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