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Walkthroughs and guides,
level maps,
version comparisons,
site and forum links and
for console and PC Classic Doom games
DoomHelp: Level solutions, instructional demos/videos
Solutions to common problem areas in Classic Doom games on most platforms
Covers Doom, Doom II, NRFTL, Final Doom, Master Levels, SIGIL and Doom 64
Updated 03/07/2025
Complete game walkthroughs by Tim Brastow
Covers Classic Doom and Doom II games on many platforms
Ultimate Doom FAQ updated 05/13/2009
DoomExit: Level and exit listings - [txt]
Quick-reference lists of all levels and their interconnections
Covers Classic Doom and Doom II games on many platforms
Updated 06/03/2010
MaxSec: Simple count of Secrets per map and maximum scores - [txt]
Covers Classic Doom and Doom II games on many platforms
Updated 06/23/2010
DoomCode: Doom cheat codes in detail - [txt]
Covers Classic Doom and Doom II games on most platforms
Updated 08/26/2019
How to play DOOM like a modern shooter - [txt]
Configuring mouse-and-keyboard control for Classic Doom games
Updated 03/16/2021
How-WADs: Load PC Doom/Doom II WAD files (DOS and Doom95)
LmpIntro: Introduction to PC Doom/Doom II demos
How-LMPs: Play PC Doom/Doom II demo files (DOS and Doom95)
DoomParm: DOS/Doom95 command-line parameters
Covers single-player PC Classic Doom/Doom II games - [txt]
Updated 04/11/2010
Doom 64 TC Guide by Jeff Graham
Covers the older third-party Doom 64 Total Conversion project for PC
(For guides for the retail Doom 64 game, see the DoomHelp page)
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
Map images show keys, exits, secret areas and teleporter destinations
DoomMaps: Level maps for all PC Classic Doom/Doom II games
Classic Doom, Doom II, NRFTL, Final Doom and Master Levels
Updated 12/12/2012
PS3Maps: PlayStation 3 Master Levels maps
Updated 12/12/2012
PSXMaps: PlayStation 1 Doom and Final Doom maps
Also covers Sega Saturn Doom
Updated 09/10/2008
D64Maps: Nintendo 64 (N64) Doom 64 maps
Updated 09/25/2008
JagMaps: Atari Jaguar Doom maps
Also covers 3DO and GBA Doom 1 games
Updated 09/09/2009
32XMaps: Sega Genesis 32X Doom maps
Updated 09/09/2009
SNESMaps: Super Nintendo Doom maps
Updated 09/09/2009
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
DoomComp: Doom version comparison - [txt]
Console and PC Classic Doom/Doom II games on many platforms
Updated 02/19/2019
FDoomCmp: Final Doom/Master Levels game comparison - [txt]
Console and PC Final Doom and Master Levels games
Updated 01/16/2010
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
PlayStation Doom passwords, all maps and Difficulty levels
Base: 100% health, a pistol and 50 bullets (default) - [txt]
Best: Maximum health, armor, weapons and ammo - [txt]
Hard: 25% health and an empty pistol; Difficulty 4 - [txt]
Misc: Default plus super shotgun in "Ultimate Doom" Episode - [txt]
Misc: Maximum minus super shotgun in "Ultimate Doom" Episode - [txt]
Info: Doom & Final Doom Password Mechanics FAQ - [txt]
PlayStation Final Doom passwords, all maps and Difficulty levels
Base: 100% health, a pistol and 50 bullets (default) - [txt]
Best: Maximum health, armor, weapons and ammo - [txt]
Hard: 25% health and an empty pistol; Difficulty 4 - [txt]
Info: Doom & Final Doom Password Mechanics FAQ - [txt]
Sega Saturn Doom passwords, all maps and Difficulty levels
Base: 100% health, a pistol and 50 bullets (default) - [txt]
Best: Maximum health, armor, weapons and ammo - [txt]
Hard: 25% health and an empty pistol; Difficulty 4 - [txt]
Misc: Default plus super shotgun in "Ultimate Doom" Episode - [txt]
Misc: Maximum minus super shotgun in "Ultimate Doom" Episode - [txt]
Info: PS1 & Saturn Doom Password Mechanics FAQ - [txt]
N64 Doom 64 passwords, all maps and Skill levels
Passwords also work with all official ports of Doom 64
Base: 100% health, a pistol and 50 bullets (default) - [txt]
Best: Maximum health, armor, weapons, ammo, Demon Artifacts - [txt]
Hard: 25% health and an empty pistol; Skill 4 - [txt]
Misc: Maximum minus 1 Demon Artifact (for 2-beam laser) - [txt]
Lost: Passwords for The Lost Levels (multiple password types) - [txt]
Note: "The Lost Levels" were not included in the original N64 game
N64 Doom 64 Features Menu passwords - [txt]
Start a new game at any skill with the cheat menu enabled
N64 Doom 64 demo of Hectic on your N64
Password adds a demo of map 32 (Hectic) to the game's demo roster
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
DoomLinx: Recommended sites, FAQs, and software
DoomTalk: Off-site Doom forums
Discuss all things Classic Doom (and modern) in the forums at Doomworld.com
ClassicDOOM channel on YouTube: Video conversions of the PC demo files
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
DoomText: The background storylines for PC Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and N64 Doom 64
DoomEnds: End-game victory text (Spoilers) - [txt]
Covers Classic Doom and Doom II games on many platforms
Updated 05/29/2010
DoomMyth: Some Doom myths defused
Updated 09/15/2019
The Un-Official Master Levels for Doom II FAQ by Henrik Larsen
Background and history, overall review, interviews with level designers, and much more
Updated 03/21/2019
GhostFAQ: Doom II Ghost-Monster FAQ - [txt]
Monsters walking through solid walls and ignoring your attacks? Find out why...
Updated 12/09/2006
PS1 & Saturn Doom/Final Doom Password Mechanics FAQ - [txt]
Description and analysis of the password system used in PS1 and Sega Saturn Doom games
Updated 01/07/2025
ParTimes: Listings of Par times for all maps - [txt]
Classic Doom/Doom II games on many platforms
XboxSpec: Download SEWERS and BETRAY levels from Xbox Ultimate Doom and Doom II
Hidden levels from the Original-Xbox games available as PC-compatible WAD files
(Click to view quick-reference Automap images showing keys, secrets, and more)
Updated 01/22/2019
Doom 64 Achievements/Trophies Playlist on YouTube
Quick videos covering the 10 Achievements/Trophies in the 2020 re-release of Doom 64
Updated 09/17/2021
Xb360Ach: Unlocking Xbox 360/XBLA Doom Achievements, quick-reference - [txt]
Details on the 12 unlockable Achievements in the game
MLCDWADs: List of Master Levels WADs - [txt]
A list of all Doom/Doom II WAD filenames on the PC CD-ROM "The Master Levels for Doom II"
Glossary: Definitions of Doom terms at ClassicDOOM.com
Quick-reference list of common terms used in the documents here
Updated 06/06/2023
[ Top / Guides / Maps / Comparison / Passwords / Links / Misc ]
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions at ClassicDOOM.com
Updated 02/22/2019
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