How to play DOOM like a modern shooter - FAQ (MS-DOS/DOSBox / Doom95 - Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP/7/8/8.1/10) Created by: PSXDRIVERPLAYER Any questions, comments, corrections or some more-or-less great feedback and those complaints saying "Urgh just get a fricken sourceport dude it's [CURRENT YEAR]" can be sent at me e-mail box which is in here: If by all means possible include something other than just "Help" so I know what the subject is all about. Sites that are authorized to show this FAQ: (author's site) (with Mr. Ledmeister as your host) Table of contents: 1. Introduction to this madness 2. Wait, what did you say? 3. Tell me how! 3.1. All the stuff you need with this project 3.2. What's what of the needed stuff 3.3.1. Installing the magnificient piece of software - MS-DOS/DOSBox 3.3.2. Configuring that stuff First install setup General setup 3.3.3. Getting around the mouse thing - MS-DOS/DOSBox 3.4.1. Installing the magnificient piece of software - Doom95 3.4.2. Configuring that stuff 3.4.3. Getting around the mouse thing - Doom95 4. Issues 5. All done!? 6. Thanks and stuff ------------------------------- 1. Introduction to this madness ------------------------------- In this FAQ, I'm sharing a secret (based on the fact that it's not that known for some reason). You can play Doom (and bunch of other games) on MS-DOS like a modern shooter, more or less. I'm also telling you how to do that in this here FAQ. It takes a small bit of tweaking though, but don't let that discourage you. -------------------------- 2. Wait, what did you say? -------------------------- You heard me. You can have a mouse and keyboard in use at the same time, like a modern shooter, though with a quirk that's present, but there's a way around that... Let's advance to the thing here. NOTE: This guide applies to: Registered DooM and all the Sharewares, DooM II, The Ultimate DooM, Final DooM, Master Levels for DooM II (through DooM II), Chex Quest, Chex Quest 2, HACX (Shareware, Registered and Freeware) and possibly more I forgot for a reason. With DOS, only the working directory is different. With DOOM95, you just change your WAD. IMPORTANT: This guide is mostly made with Windows XP system having an installation of DOSBox and Doom95 with official WADs. While DOSBox can be done on all systems, Doom95 can't be done, while it gives a bit better visuals - it's a "give and take" -kind of deal. Choose wisely. A SIDE NOTE: Wolfenstein 3D can be also made to work like this under MS-DOS, controls are changed from in-game options though. --------------- 3. Tell me how! --------------- I was getting into that. Now, want to know how? Read the next few sections. If you don't use Doom on MS-DOS and instead use sourceports (except Doom95), you can look away. If you have a "version" that doesn't need to be "installed" or you've done that already, take a look at section 3.3.2 (if MS-DOS) or 3.4.2 (if Doom95). Otherwise start with 3.3.1 (if MS-DOS) or 3.4.1 (if Doom95). --------------------------------------------- 3.1. All the stuff you need with this project --------------------------------------------- Riight. You are going to need a few things. The obvious one: - Your Personal Computer (or as they call it, PC) Hard drive needs either: - An installation of MS-DOS - An installation of some Windows operating system and an MS-DOS emulator, such as DOSBox, or a virtual machine Then you need a game to do this with. It can be: - Your copy of Doom (not The Ultimate Doom, that's different) (whatever version you happen to have) - Your copy of Doom II (whatever version you happen to have) - Your copy of The Ultimate Doom - Your copy of Final Doom - Your copy of Master Levels for DooM II - Your copy of Doom95 Also some utilities: - NOVERT - DMOUSEXP And also: - Some skill - This FAQ (possibly, as I didn't need it) ------------------------------------ 3.2. What's what of the needed stuff ------------------------------------ I can hear you asking things such as "What's MS-DOS?" already. Let's go over some things: PC = That machine you are probably seeing this with, with a help of a few tools MS-DOS = An operating system by Microsoft everyone used to play Doom back in the days in 199X (unless they had a MAC) until an unknown point in time, except at least me who plays this with an emulator as I don't have a legit DOS machine Windows = That OS you're probably using right now, I sure am (XP to be precise) DOSBox = A program for Windows that emulates MS-DOS Doom = If you somehow don't know, it's a game made by 'back then iD Software' which was different when compared what it is now - it's a name at this point in time pretty much - also not to be confused with a game called "The Ultimate Doom" Doom II = That sequel to Doom. Nothing major. The Ultimate Doom = Not to be confused with a game called "Doom" - this is a different game, which is pretty much the last version of Doom with a few updates and an extra fourth episode that was required to get this sold as a retail game - oddly enough this too is called 1.9 despite being a later revision (is more like version 1.91 - and originally 1.8 was to be THE FINAL VERSION OF DOOM) Final Doom = Pretty much a mod that was sold, was in no way THE FINAL Doom game Master Levels for DooM II = A set of wads containing levels for Doom II - is used with an easy to use tool DOOMIT with MS-DOS (you can also copy paste them WAD files and launch with the "-file" parameter), changes made to Doom II affect this automagically Doom95 = The only official sourceport to play Doom with to me knowledge, is for Windows(95), done by Gabe Newell's team NOVERT = A tool that does things, moar laters DMOUSEXP = A tool that does things, moar laters -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.1. Installing the magnificient piece of software - MS-DOS/DOSBox -------------------------------------------------------------------- So. Navigate to your Doom install files -folder using the CD command. (Usage: CD [FOLDER]) Then, type "install". Installing stuff should open. The program asks you "Which drive to install to?" - type your drive letter. (Probably "C".) The program says "Enter directory name to copy into" - you can leave the folder name as is or modify it and then press ENTER. If the directory does not exist, you are asked to create it. Press "Y" to create or "N" to return to folder naming. Program copies the data and begins installing your software. Wait. Eventually your software has done all that and you are directed to "setup". ----------------------------- 3.3.2. Configuring that stuff ----------------------------- Now is the time to configure your software. If you appear at the setup for the first time after installing, look at If you appear at the setup in general, look at ---------------------------- First install setup ---------------------------- You are asked about "Controller Type". Select "Keyboard + Mouse", as that's what you want. Then you are asked about "Music Playback Device". Select the one you like and configure it. Then you are asked about "Sound FX Device", Select the one you like and configure it. Then you are put to the "Main Menu" and to the option "Save Settings & Run DOOM" but don't press "ENTER", we're not done yet. Navigate to the "Controller Config" and press "ENTER". Select "Keyboard" from the choices and press "ENTER". You can see the default keybindings, if you haven't changed these (you probably haven't) and these can be, in fact, changed. You can bind them how you like, but I recommend changing the following to the following: Forward W Backward S Use E Speed on R Strafe Left A Strafe Right D How to change: select your choice with ARROW KEYS, PRESS ENTER and then the key you want to assign to selected action. Once done, press "F10" to accept your changes. Then at the "Controller Configuration" menu, select "Mouse". You can see the default keybindings, if you haven't changed these (you probably haven't) and these too can be, in fact, changed. But unless they're default, there's no point doing so. Check if "Fire" is bound to "LEFT BUTTON". If it is, you're good to go. Press "F10" to accept your changes if necessary. Go back to "Main Menu". Select "Save Settings & Run DOOM" option. You can notice that you can now play the game like a modern shooter, but you probably also notice that your mouse acts oddly, a.k.a. moving it forward and backward moves Doomguy forward and backward. This is not a bug, it's intentional behaviour. At this point you may want to see section 3.3.3. If for some reason you don't want to, you're done here. Move to section 4. ---------------------- General setup ---------------------- Navigate to your Doom installed files -folder using the CD command. (Usage: CD [FOLDER]) Then, type "SETUP". Setup should open. You are at the "Main Menu". Navigate to "Select Controller Type" and press "ENTER". Select "Keyboard + Mouse", as that's what you want. Navigate to the "Controller Config" and press "ENTER". Select "Keyboard" from the choices and press "ENTER". You can see the default keybindings, if you haven't changed these (you probably haven't) and these can be, in fact, changed. You can bind them how you like, but I recommend changing the following to the following: Forward W Backward S Use E Speed on R Strafe Left A Strafe Right D How to change: select your choice with ARROW KEYS, PRESS ENTER and then the key you want to assign to selected action. Once done, press "F10" to accept your changes. Then at the "Controller Configuration" menu, select "Mouse". You can see the default keybindings, if you haven't changed these (you probably haven't) and these too can be, in fact, changed. But unless they're default, there's no point doing so. Check if "Fire" is bound to "LEFT BUTTON". If it is, you're good to go. Press "F10" to accept your changes if necessary. Go back to "Main Menu". Select "Save Settings & Run DOOM" option. You can notice that you can now play the game like a modern shooter, but you probably also notice that your mouse acts oddly, a.k.a. moving it forward and backward moves Doomguy forward and backward. This is not a bug, it's intentional behaviour. At this point you may want to see section 3.3.3 straight below. If for some reason you don't want to, you're done here. Move to section 4. ----------------------------------------------------- 3.3.3. Getting around the mouse thing - MS-DOS/DOSBox ----------------------------------------------------- Here's how to get around the mouse thing where moving it forward and backward moves also Doomguy forward and backward. Get the NOVERT utility, if you don't have it already. You can for example get it at: "" Extract it to your "C:\" or to your Doom folder, whichever works. Now, go to the folder the tool is in and type "NOVERT" and it installs. To uninstall the utility, go to the folder the tool is in and type "NOVERT /U". ----- NOTE: ----- I recommend typing "edit autoexec.bat" and adding a line "[PATH]\NOVERT" on it if all you do with it is stuff where you want to disable "up" and "down" with the mouse and so you won't have to type "NOVERT" every time you use your DOS machine. ----------------- FOR DOSBox USERS: ----------------- I recommend adding that line to DOSBox's autoexec part on the options if all you do with that is stuff where you want to disable "up" and "down" with the mouse and so that you won't have to type "NOVERT" every single time you use it. I also recommend adding your mount lines to the autoexec part. ------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4.1. Installing the magnificient piece of software - Doom95 ------------------------------------------------------------- So. Navigate to your Doom95 install files -folder. Then, double click SETUP.EXE. Installing stuff should open. The program asks you about the game "Game Directory" - either leave that as-is or Browse and select a different destination. Press Next and your software installs. Press Finished once done. ALTERNATIVELY: As all the files are already in one folder and the installing does its own thing you can play the game(s) straight on that folder without installing. ----------------------------- 3.4.2. Configuring that stuff ----------------------------- Now is the time to configure your software. Click "Advanced...", select "Screen Resolution" tab and change the settings to your liking. Click "Configuration", and define the controls at "Keyboard" tab. You can bind them how you like, but I recommend changing the following to the following: Forward W Backward S Strafe Left A Strafe Right D Use E Speed on R How to change: click a key you want to change and then the key you want to assign to selected action. Click "Mouse" tab and tick "Enable Mouse Support" if it's not already. You can change the mouse controls by moving the mouse cursor over a selection and just click the mouse button of choice. You can also change the "Sensitivity" here. Click "Audio" and make the appropriate settings. Click "OK" once done. Select the WAD you want to play, also custom WAD if any, your difficulty and level. Also you can tamper with some Monster Options if you like. Click "New Game". If you use Windows 95 and/or Windows 98 and/or Windows ME: You can notice that you can now play the game like a modern shooter, but you probably also notice that your mouse acts oddly, a.k.a. moving it forward and backward moves Doomguy forward and backward. This is not a bug, it's intentional behaviour. And as far as I know, this can't be disabled in this case. At this point you may want to see section 3.4.3 straight below. If for some reason you don't want to, you're done here. Move to section 4. If you use Windows 2000 and/or Windows XP, you are done at this point if you don't want any mouse usage. If you want mouse, read ahead. Getting mouse to work on Windows 2000 and XP: The reason you need a third party file is that Windows XP doesn't support the old VXD mouse thing, thus it won't work. To get around this, you need to do the following: Get the DMOUSEXP utility, if you don't have it already. You can for example get it at: "" Extract them files either to some folder, or the DooM95 folder. After extracting them files, double click DooM95Mouse.exe. If you extracted it to folder other than Doom95, you need to click "Select Doom95.exe" and find the .exe. If you extracted it to your Doom95 folder, you're already at this point. Click "Install". You can notice that you can now play the game like a modern shooter, but you probably also notice that your mouse acts oddly, a.k.a. moving it forward and backward moves Doomguy forward and backward. This is not a bug, it's intentional behaviour. At this point you may want to see section 3.4.3 straight below. If for some reason you don't want to, you're done here. Move to section 4. ---------------------------------------------- 3.4.3. Getting around the mouse thing - Doom95 ---------------------------------------------- Here's how to get around the mouse thing where moving it forward and backward moves also Doomguy forward and backward. Do the following: Going back to DooM95Mouse.exe, click "Configure". If you take the tick off of "Enable vertical axis" you disable the forward/backward movement with the mouse. To uninstall the utility, open DooM95Mouse.exe, select your Doom95.exe and click Uninstall. Your Doom95 is now back to normal with an amusing message. --------- 4. Issues --------- NOTE: I've tried getting Doom95 to work on a few different combinations, work with these at your own risk: Windows Vista: - It used the default controls no matter what - Mouse didn't want to work despite patch (might be something I still missed) Windows 7 - Setup 1 (own machine): - It used the default controls no matter what - Mouse didn't want to work despite patch (might be something I still missed) Windows 7 - Setup 2 (elsewhere): - It took different control configurations - Mouse worked fine - A small glitchy stuff with visuals Windows 8, 8.1, 10: - It took different control configurations - Mouse worked fine - Visuals sucked greatly It could be that this can be done and maybe I was unlucky, or I didn't do something I should've done. Try running with Administrator if any issues happen. ------------- 5. All done!? ------------- You are now done "modernizing" your Doom (and possible other things as well) on MS-DOS/Windows and/or Doom95. Have fun with the game! Or don't. What do I know? ------------------- 6. Thanks and stuff ------------------- iD Software of 1993 for the original MS-DOS DooM and DooM II games. (You all: "WHAT'S THIS MS-DOS THINGY?" - Me: "[SIGHS] Didn't you read the FAQ?") Myself for making this here FAQ. Deity (Istvan Pataki) for programming the NOVERT tool. David Kay for programming the DMOUSEXP tool. Ledmeister for hosting this FAQ on (C) 2019-03-31, 2019-08-22, 2020-03-14 - 2020-03-16, 2021-03-15 PSXDRIVERPLAYER. All Rights Reserved. THE END [INSERT CREDITS HERE]