Information on original Doom 95 mouse driver DMOUSE.VXD

Doom 95 has been included in several Doom software bundles.
In some of these packages the original Doom 95 mouse driver
file, DMOUSE.VXD, is missing.

If you are running Doom 95 under Windows 95, Windows 98, or
a compatible OS, you may need this driver file in order to
enable mouse functions in the game.
Note that some other Windows versions/configurations, such
as Windows XP, can suppress Doom 95 mouse functions even if
the mouse driver is in place.

Click to download DMOUSE.ZIP (1k)

This is a ZIPped file.  Once unzipped, place the DMOUSE.VXD
file in your Doom95 folder.

Once the driver file is in the Doom95 folder, start Doom 95
and click the [Configuration...] button (at the lower right
of the "Doom for Windows 95 Launcher" window), then click
the [Mouse] tab in the "Configuration" window.
Be sure that the "Enable Mouse Support" option is checked,
and that the "Sensitivity" slider at the bottom is set to a
value above zero.
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