How to get the Demon Artifact in level 31, IN THE VOID:

Before you can get the Demon Artifact on this map, you'll
need to acquire all 3 keys.

You begin the level near the middle of a large rectangular
room.  Within this room are five structures made of wooden
posts.  On the Automap, these structures look like large
plus ("+") symbols.
This will be the starting point for each of the steps that

In the starting room, look for the closed door to the right
of the red-keyed door.
Go through the door and go to the far end of the walkway.
There you'll see a pair of vertical bars which are inlaid
with small blinking lights.  This is a teleporting doorway.
Step between these bars and you'll be teleported to another
Walk straight ahead to the far end of the walkway, and step
into the next teleporter.
You'll appear in one of 4 square rooms which are themselves
arranged into a larger square.  Walk around through each of
these rooms, and you'll see the red key on a small pedestal
in the last room.
Once you have the red key, go back to the starting room.

In the starting room, look for the red-keyed door and go
through.  Follow the walkway to the far end, and step into
the teleporter-doorway there.
You'll appear at one end of a wider walkway.  At the far
end is the blue key.
Note that just beyond the blue key is a "tube", composed of
long horizontal wooden posts.  When it comes time to get
the Artifact, it will appear at the far end of this tube.
Once you have the blue key, go back to the starting room.

In the starting room, look for the doorway to the right of
the red-keyed door, and go through.
Go to the far end of the walkway, and into the teleporting
Walk straight ahead to the far end of the next walkway, and
step into the next teleporter.
You'll appear in one of 4 square rooms which are themselves
arranged into a larger square.  Walk straight ahead until
you get to a "tube", which is composed of long horizontal
wooden posts.
Go to the room at the far end of the tube and look to your
left for a blue-keyed switch.  Activate it, then head back
to the starting room.
Once you're back in the starting room, look for a short
flight of stairs located to the left of the red-keyed door.
Go up the stairs and turn left.  You'll be standing at one
end of a platform, and you'll be able to see the yellow key
on top of a distant pedestal.
Between you and the yellow key is another pedestal, which
is rising and falling at regular intervals.
As the middle pedestal rises all the way up, Run (remember
your Run button) across the platform, across the middle
pedestal, and on to the yellow key on the last pedestal.
Once you have the yellow key, go back to the starting room.

In the starting room, look for the doorway to the right of
the red-keyed door, and go through.
Go to the far end of the walkway, and into the teleporting
Go to the middle of the walkway and look for a yellow-keyed
switch on a wide vertical post to your right.
Activate the switch, and turn around 180 degrees to face a
short walkway that leads to the Exit.
Go down this walkway, but do not step off the far end now.
As you pass beneath the arch (where the twin "EXIT" signs
are mounted), the screen will shake, and you'll hear a dull
rumbling sound.
Turn back around, and go back to the yellow-keyed switch
you activated a moment ago.
Turn left and go to the far end of the walkway, and step
into the teleporter.
You'll appear in one of 4 square rooms which are themselves
arranged into a larger square.  Walk straight ahead until
you get to a "tube", which is composed of long horizontal
wooden posts.
Go to the room at the far end of the tube.  In the middle
of the room now is a vertical slab with a switch on it.
Behind the switch is a pedestal where the Demon Artifact
When you Activate the switch, the Artifact will teleport to
the far end of the other wooden "tube", located next to the
spot where you picked up the blue key.
The Artifact will remain in that place for only a short
period of time, and then will return back on top of the
pedestal where it now sits.
Activate the switch and immediately Run for the Artifact:
Turn around and Run straight down the walkway to the
teleporter ahead, straight down the next walkway to the
next teleporter, straight to the starting room, turn right
to go through the red-keyed door, straight down the walkway
to the teleporter, then straight on to the far end of the
wooden tube ahead.
If the Artifact disappears before you get there, simply try

Note that it is possible to run faster than normal by using
a simultaneous combination of Run plus Strafe.  This
"strafe-running" maneuver moves the player character at an
odd angle, but yields a speed slightly above that of plain
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"Demon Artifact" is the term used at this site to describe
each of the three special objects that are hidden among the
secret levels of Doom 64.
Demon Artifacts boost the power of Doom 64's laser weapon,
and also act as special keys that can be used on Doom 64's
"Boss" level.

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